
Exercise Improves Brain Health?

What can you do today to improve or maintain your brain health? Join Sarah Banks, Ph.D., a leading expert in healthy aging, …


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  1. Can anyone help me in understanding philosphy and below questions i am beginner and someone say start reading hegel first but i know from one of chomsky interview he dissmiss hegel as nonsense can any one tell me chomsky is right or wrong? Can hegel philosphy of embracing contridictions rather than overcoming is correct or wrong? Also is hegel correct in dissmissing kant noumenal realm is knowable as contridicitions rather than some unkowable substance as describe by kant ? Please answer if someone have answers i will happy me it will help me my understanding

  2. Great video! They should however have mentioned that the scoring for "Trails B" is in time to complete the task, thus a "higher scoring" equals a lower performance. For the other tests, the scoring seems to be a standard marking system : the more points, the better the performance.

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