
Evidence Humans Existed Millions of Years Ago | Evolution of Advanced Civilizations

In this lecture, Michael Cremo explores the suppressed evidence of human existence dating back millions of years. Despite bones and artifacts challenging the mainstream narrative of human origins, the scientific establishment has largely ignored or dismissed these remarkable discoveries, keeping them hidden from public knowledge.

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  1. I contend that the dating methods are highly flawed.. Furthermore, that in a mine, why not that such remains could be from a much older mining operation..?? There are a lot of questions and few answers, thus these finds need to be labeled correctly.. such as' found in deposits radio dated in sediments (etc). though to be dated'.. a more correct observation.

  2. just about everything has hidden secrets dont it. thats why we call ourselves the intelligent species. hide one to sell another story. and we have enough computers to do it all with ease. thats why we even have AI.

  3. I wanted to slap mister Cremo about every fifteen seconds when I first saw him in the early Ancient Aliens series, just to get the man a bit more animated. It looks like he hasn't changed one bit. Interesting subject, but dude, ask someone else to do your lectures so the audience doesn't fall asleep halfway through the reading.

  4. Note: The Following Information, Does Not Refer To The Decent, Honest, And Honorable Researchers, And Scientists, Which Do Their Actions, And Hard Work, Independently From The $$$'d, Control Freaking, Compulsive Lying, Deliberately Hiding The Truth Criminals Mentioned Right Below . . .

    I.E. Arrogant, Compulsive Lying, Thieving Faux Egyptologists Zahi Hawass, Mark Lehner, Among Others . . .

    Try To Remember The Following: . . .

    Beware Of The Criminal Controlled, Compulsive Lying, $$$ Bought & Owned Pieces Of Crapidemia . . . aka The Crapidemics . . .

    And The Same Goes For The Compulsive Lying Criminal Controlled So Called Archaeologists, Anthropologists, Geologists And Egyptologists And Paleontologists . . .

    It Is A Criminal Controlled, $$$ Making Business For Them, And A Ruthless, Cut-Throat Compulsive Lying Very Deceptive One At That . . . :-(

  5. Jesuits created ‘manifest destiny’ to legitimize murder of the ‘Native Americans’
    1820 Russian cszar kicked out VATICAN Jesuits wise move but was later poisoned ,then COMMUNISM WAS CREATED BY A JESUIT priest, and the Bolshevik revolution funded and endorsed by the Vatican (whoreshipers of the Serpent)

    Jesuits expelled from 83 countries in last 500 years, because they take over the countries by any means, to submit those to the Satanic Serpent deception. 1773 each nation abolished them. 1773 the pope had to renounce them because the satanic deception was known and all nations had ENOUGH! This allowed USA to be founded 1776.

    Problem was the Masonic founders, they were under the delusion and may have been ignorant that these free mason organizations were under the control of the Vatican who serving the Serpent is against freedom and certainly against the Protestants and preaching the real Yahusha (Jesus) the beloved son of Yahuah Elohim God the creator the WORD all powerful with TRUTH AND GRACE.

    The Roman Catholics do not tolerate or recognize any other religion but their snake 🐍 oil system, the anti-Christ system that was mortally wounded 1773 and ‘resurrected’ healed. Cesar Borgia the Vatican used as the image of Jesus Christ (1st – 3rd commandment violated) Illuminati was established in Bavaria by the Jesuits 3 years after the banishment of the Jesuits, 1774 they poisoned Pope Clement who banished them. Next the Jesuits used front groups to attack the monarchs 1776 Weishavpt established the Illuminati, alliance with the Rothchilds (khazarian Ashkenazi Jews, sons of Japheth not Israel not Hebrew). Revelation 2:9-14 The Jesuits invaded all the other secret societies top escelon the knights of Malta, the Freemasons, the Shriners, the Tarsus, the Zionists, the Jacobans. They even kill their generals, Napoleon Bonaparte was a puppet for them to wage war against Malta, against the Caliphate in Egypt, against Russia. In 1814 the Jesuits were officially revived by the then Pope. So officially for 41 years they were disbanded by the Vatican, all the while working behind the scenes to murder and cause chaos to achieve absolute power. The Jesuits are absolutely against free governments, since they reconsolidated their power they vowed there number 1 enemy against USA, calling themselves the ‘holy alliance’. The idea was to destroy representative government worldwide, they did this by sending as many Catholics (immigrants) as possible to the United States with Jesuits directing them. The Monroe doctrine was established in response to fight the threat against representative government, to fight the oppression of government by few over the many. Jefferson was consulted by Buchanan, to respond against the interference in free nations by the so called ‘holy alliance’ the European Jesuits seized nations. 1823 the Monroe doctrine was ratified as a treaty to protect representative government ‘the rule of the people the many over the interests of the greedy few’
    Jesuits created the Federal Reserve central (Vatican controlled) banking system, robbing and impoverishing USA (constitution states only treasury department to issue currency). Revelation 2:9-14

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