
Episode 2592 CWSA 09/09/24

Presidential debate prep and cat eating? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you would like to enjoy this same …


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  1. Mr. Adams, I heard you agree with Mr. Chabenisky"s statement that you can't start an investment account when you're in debt? would you say funding a 401K or 403B retirement account and creating an emergency fund and other forms of savings/investments while paying a mortgage, a car payment and running a credit balance is not possible?

  2. How does someone who came into our country illegally become "not a criminal" just because they're working?

    Does that also work for Americans who commit a crime, get (or have) a job and don't commit any more crimes?

  3. Scott complains about California: why doesn't he move? Scott loves his local Starbucks: doesn't he realize he can have the same anodyne experience in any Starbucks store anywhere?

  4. Nobody cares if you deport an illegal that's working. Deporting them doesn't remove from the economy, it adds to it for every American who isn't rich. The government and companies have been colluding to import cheap labor the whole time, so they had jobs waiting for them as they arrived specifically so they could block them from being deported later by claiming it'd hurt the economy. But they specifically withheld jobs from American citizens to accomplish that. So all it would do is open up jobs for Americans who are out of work.

    You can also add to the labor force if needed by cutting hundreds of thousands of wasteful government jobs or by cutting Welfare for perfectly healthy people. There is no worker shortage. That's fake.

    We do not need or want 20 million more democratic party voters. That will only result in even more mass migration and an eventual total erosion of the Constitution because of an artificially created "economy problem? that does not actually exist. It's artificially created. Scott keeps getting duped by big business and democrat talking points when it comes to this issue. It's sad he doesn't realize when he's being brainwashed.

    Mass immigration only harms median wealth and radically left-shifts us politically to a point it becomes self-propagating until collapse. Like what's happening in Europe.

  5. All illegals must be expelled. Not just ALL the illegals (including 'refugees') that Joey's handlers purposely brought in to collapse America, but ALL illegals before that, and their entire families. Regardless where they were born. This starts with all DACA people.
    America is NOT an economic activity zone. It is the home for Americans.
    And we are a nation of Americans; we are NOT 'a nation of immigrants'.

  6. Re: @ 46:07 Just have to put my 2 cents in. Illegal immigration affects the labor market for working people. There should be strict penalties for employers who hire illegals so it's too risky and expensive. Then hopefully many will just take themselves back like they brought themselves here. Batya Ungar recently wrote a very interesting book about the effects on the labor market. And for the criminal ones, outsource it to people like Dog the Bounty Hunter.

  7. Re. the documentary effect Scott mentions: a perfect example is the slick pro-nuke doc called 'Pandora's Promise', 2013. It could be persuasive if that's the only side of the issue one sees. However it is highly disingenuous propaganda, full of clever sneaky editing tricks, fearmongering, misdirection, omissions, strawman arguments…..every trick in the book. In fact all the tricks that Scott discusses on YouTube. Current nuclear industry talking points are based on that film. Let the buyer beware!

  8. My great grandmother killed cats for dinner, telling the family it's a rabbit. In Africa children hunting rats and happy to roast them. In Amsterdam few years ago asylum seekers hunted swans and ducks. Mr.Scott Adams, there's a big world outside of California .

  9. If we end up stuck with the trannies as a permanent fixture of the human condition, maybe we should integrate them into our mating practices.

    My Proposal aka Project 6969 –

    Warning: you may dislike the imagery.

    Executive Summary – It may be possible to integrate transgenders into our mating practices with a little extra technology. It’s basically IVF + male seahorse.

    1) Dirty Gross Cis Male ™ has sex with Divine Trans Woman ™.
    2) Divine Trans Woman uses her Smart Vagina ™ to preserve the Dirty But Necessary Male Gametes ™ until the Blessed Transfer ™.
    3) Divine Trans Woman transfers the Dirty But Necessary Male Gametes to the Cis Women Goddess ™ using the Holy Transfer Device ™, essentially a male-male adapter.
    4) Once the Holy Ovum ™ is fertilized but not yet attached to the uterus, the Cis Woman Goddess, at her divine whim, may choose to carry the baby or transfer it to the Blessed Trans Male ™ and his Smart Uterus ™ with a Holy Transfer Device.
    5) Baby proceeds to term if XX, or achieves expedited outplacement if XY.

    Roles –

    Dirty Gross Cis Male – supplies male gametes.
    Divine Trans Woman – acts as a pollinator.
    Cis Woman Goddess – supplies ovum and early stage gestation.
    Blessed Trans Male – late stage gestation and delivery – male seahorse.


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