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  1. I’m from nh and I grew up in a small town called rumney……there was no racism there, and now there is less people there then there was when I lived there….I don’t know where this racism is coming from? Big cities?

  2. Whats even worse, our scientific community has been just as corrupted. There is a literal PEER REVIEWED sdcientific paper calling whiteness a and I quote "incurable malignant disease" (which is a level of insanity im not familiar with). Thats not nazi adjacent thats an in your face seig heiling for socialism what are you gonna do about it position. What are you gonna do about it?

  3. You all get mad that your fantasy worlds and super hero's have truned woke. Get rid of your TVs and stop watching Hollyweird productions. Read your Bibles and go outside. Make something with your hands, live for others. Books are better than screens. Jesus Christ is King. Batman and superman are just dumb.

  4. Uhm FYI – they aren't whispering under their breaths "darn, missed again" instead, they've been screaming at the top of their lungs to future assassins "learn how to F-ing shoot!!!"
    The human masks and suits have been stripped off as the left has been in its own echo chamber for too long and they're being open and honest about their goals and desires – not intentionally of course, but simply because they've lost their internal filters.
    This is why the left has been complaining about the fact that Trump surviving assassination attempts is making him more popular and harder to beat rather than the fact that people on their side are trying to assassinate him.

  5. "It´s called Soccer btw" … am Arsch hängt der Hammer! 😂It is called football, you play it with your feet. Unlike that thing where you guys are playing rugby with shoulderpads or exaggerated body armor.

  6. The comedian is Jim Gaffigan

    Whats a burrito?
    It's tortilla, meat, cheese, vegetable
    And what's a taco?
    It's tortilla, meat, cheese, vegetable
    And what's a chimiconga

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