
Elon Musk on Studying Physics


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  1. The problem with physics though is that it seems like once you learn all the rules, as you progress you start learning all the ways that they don’t apply. Solid matter isn’t solid when you hit the atomic level, and once you dig beneath the surface more things are not absolute after all.

  2. Human curiosity separates us from lizards or turnips. So few have it. Elon's great, he speaks simply with no Orwellian weird invented language or word salad.

  3. There may be a little bit of ADHD and him as well. It would be interesting to see and talk to his son which he has disowned. He sees a failure in his son is because this is reflection upon him and therefore he can't see failure in himself because of him living up to his father's wishes.

  4. Well certainly a psychological profile of Elon musk is that based upon his child upbringing of abuse in also a near-death experience he seeks control. He needs to continue to live up to his father's wishes and desires and this is why you see this obsession with work you see this obsession with accomplishing goals through his life. We call this the approval process😮

  5. ❤❤❤Modern technologies make it possible to improve the Michelson-Morley experiment of 1881/2024 and use it to measure aircraft speeds of 300, 400 m/s. This allows you to 100% verify the postulates of Einstein's special theory of relativity. How dangerous will this be for people of big science, if there is other evidence from direct experience, postulate type:
    Light is an ordered vibration of gravitational quanta and dominant gravitational fields adjust the speed of light in a vacuum.
    Maybe it will be possible to make scientific discoveries; in astronomy, astrophysics, cosmology, higher theoretical physics…

  6. If you are obsessed with truth, stop sending out 5G satellites in to outer space, let everyone know the real dangers to our ecosystem because of such technologies. People need to wake up the devastating effects of non native electromagnetic fields.

  7. Just so you know, when they don’t stop stealing from me, and they don’t stop killing each other, while I starve, there will be no forgiveness between us Elon.

    They made a hoe song about my fuckin mom because of you

  8. Here, fully illustrated in 55-second clip, is the whole key to why Elon Musk is so successful and inspirational.

    Be obsessed with truth. Let go of what you think you know. Don't accept "common knowledge" at face value. Dismiss "the way it is" and "the way it's always been done". Toss out the rule book. Eradicate your own biases and shield yourself from the biases of others. Get to the core of the thing yourself, whatever the thing is, understand firsthand how it really works, its Truth, and build anew from there. First Principles thinking.

    It's not a complicated concept and one doesn't have to be a genius to think this way. But it takes levels of curiosity, willingness, desire, passion, and confidence that few possess. This is the "superpower" potential of a neurodivergent mind that isn't shackled and swayed by external influences. In my mid 50s now, I wish I had had been exposed to this perspective 40 years ago.

  9. Codziennie uczymy się czegoś nowego i jeżeli to jest dobre dla nas i starożytnego zegara, którym jest tak naprawdę ziemia 🌐🐉❤ to fajnie, ale w tym wszystkim jest coś czego nigdy nie zrozumiemy, pewnego rodzaju niezwykła architektura 369🌲🍃 i iskra boża ✨

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