
Elon Musk: “I am releasing My New Water Engine TODAY”

Elon Musk Unveils Revolutionary Water Powered Engine. Elon Musk has made a groundbreaking announcement, unveiling a …


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  1. 10:36 in "this was a high performance car that could go from 0 to 60 metres per hour in under 4 seconds" 60 metres thats a little over 65YARDS PER HOUR!!! Ya might want to check on your units of distance there guys OK its not the fastest or most performance related vehicle ever built but my Suzuki Vitara will get to 62MPH/100KPH in around 12 seconds Just to be clear that's MILES/KILOMETRES PER HOUR as opposed to yards/metres per hour A heck of lot faster my petrol engined car than that EV. OK I'm pulling legs here but REALLY, nobody checked the video before it was uploaded? You're gonna be on the road a long LONG time at a mere 60 metres per hour

  2. Water car / engine is not new. Water engine been around for 50 years now. USA government has stopped it from being used, because of the oil companies. Elon musk did nothing but took somebody else’s idea and pay off people to use it.

  3. So it is hydrogen powered. The power comes from the electricity used to split water into hydrogen and oxygen. Gasoline is better. The climate scare is a hoax and CO2 is a good naturally occurring gas that feeds trees and plants.

  4. I doubt whether this project will be allowed to be avaliable to the public or not. This technology is well known to several scientists many decades back, but those who hate the human race and at the same time they rule the fate of the world and the governments did not allowed the free production of such kind of engines. So why they would allow this project to come into reality now,??? I wonder….

  5. Elon you have confused me again! What is the difference between a Hydrogen powered car like the Toyota and the water engine you are promoting. Will I just be able to fill up my car with water from the tap and then just drive off?

  6. This is what Billy Carson was talking about. He didn't get it patented he just said here I'm releasing it you don't need the patent everything and own everything in order to accomplish something. This is what I love about this man he's not greedy anybody can do it you just got to figure out how to. Everybody wants to patent and say I own this and nobody could use it. That's why the man that originally designed the water engine at a diner he ended up losing his life because this wasn't good for the oil industry. Look it up

  7. Well if a way can be found to get the hydrogen out of water not using electrolysis unless it can happen within the firing chamber. I hope he can keep it a secret otherwise he might end up dead like many others have before him or get the oil barrens onside. But lets wait and see.

  8. I live in Ontario, Canada. And the world knows we have the four seasons of the year…ESPECIALLY WINTER! I would liken to test on of your new “Water Engine” during the cold winter weather in the Ottawa Valley. Just one question. Will you be putting HOT WATER in during the winter.

  9. Somebody already made a water engine and he was murdered so it's not new. It's old. It's just that Elon has so much money. They just can't kill him off like they killed the other guy who invented the water engine. Get your facts straight people. This YouTube is so corrupt. It goes one way and that's it.

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