
Elon Musk Has A GENIUS Solution For The Bots We Keep Seeing EVERYWHERE

Elon Musk thinks this is how online bots can be mitigated. #elonmusk #interview #viral


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  1. I agree @ElonMusk but it cost friggin 25-26 Euro A MONTH!
    It's too much for most countries in the world, make it 10 euros and millions will subscribe, it's a psycological barrier… 9,99 a month sounds affordable to most, not "26 euros/month"

  2. Anyone that values freedom and free speech, understand we'll never be able to pay back Elon, for buying Twitter and turning it into X. Also, he know this, and doesn't ask for a thing…the guy's a living legend 👏👍💪👊

  3. Yeah sure it's about getting rid of bots and not just about taking money from people…. Everyone knows the main culprit behind things like this is the company itself "x"in this situation, will flood their own servers with problems then come out with a simple solution it just costs money. They do the same exact thing with gaming, when they want people to switch to another game they hire hackers to make it unplayable so your only choice is to buy the new game. When that game isn't making money you'll have to pay for a new one because the old one isn't worth moderating. Watch it is guaranteed to happen, X will start off nice then become so riddled with adds and bots that there will be a new platform that comes out that's whatever percentage more expensive based on the economy. I also see them trying the tier system as well, because every company is doing it. The more "free speech" you want access to the more money you'll have to pay.

  4. How about prosecution vs something that costs us more. If you're repeating yourself as something type not it should be prosecuted not gaining more systems that cost individuals more money because of crime. Elon is a wolf.

  5. The fact that he had to buy Twitter after they lied about their user counts, which they used to estimate a numerical value, is insane. Twitter lied about the value of their platform by knowingly adding in bots.

  6. OK… Let's assume that Elon is right and that no social media can be trusted that does not have a subscriber system. It doesn't change the fact that social media's value to the user is quite minimal. People only use it because it is fun and FREE. If I have to pay any amount of money AT ALL on a monthly basis, I'll just stop using the platform. There are any number of other free entertainments online after all. What Elon is failing to understand is that "being able to trust social media" is not worth anything to the vast majority of users. Oh, they end up being influenced by it and trusting it anyway… but they don't care about the danger that represents to them, and therefore they won't see value in paying to mitigate that danger. Until that ceases to be true, subscription based systems will never win regardless of how much you can trust them!

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