
Eating 100g of Carbs in One Sitting Improves Insulin Resistance – New Study Discovery

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  1. Read Dr Jason Fung's book THE DIABETES CODE, and look up Dr Sten Ekberg's videos on Reversing insulin resistance. For years the body uses enough insulin to push glucose spikes down and into the cells quickly, but over time that causes insulin resistance, so was 100 grams carbs actually EVER a good idea, if they cause a long-term problem? There are no home insulin level tests as far as I know, so no one can tell if their insulin level has gone down to baseline. Guessing doesn't work. It seems you're having people just guess that their insulin level got a break, went down to baseline, but that needs to be tested to be sure. Tested Multiple times a day along with glucose testing. But that's not possible yet.
    They CAN go get detailed tests of their fasting insulin level monthly, quarterly, or at least annually. People's glucose levels go down good after a meal for 10-15 years before those 100g spikes begin to overwhelm the cells & pancreas, then it seems sudden that their blood sugar stays up. But it was YEARS of bad nutrition advice followed that causes insulin resistance to develop.

  2. Someone that eats 6 small meals a day of mostly highly processed food & junk food & sugary drinks, if they consume exactly the same things but all in only 2 meals a day and only water in between, WILL have better health than if they continue with the more frequent schedule. That fact in no way justifies any of the junk food, seed oils, or carbohydrates at that level. You should be telling people what way of eating & activity creates optimal health, not just "better". How did they eat 100 g of carbs in a sitting & NEVER get overweight or diabetic or inflamed or digestive problems like excess gas, in the past. Crazy amounts of exercise in trying to not die is how. Today exercise is mostly optional. So 100 g advice is not ok, unless they have a job or lifestyle that forces enough vigorous exercise to counter that glucose spike fast enough. Proper food prep and quality is also important. Most healthy food today is not nearly as healthy as 100 years ago.

  3. That would raise a1c, I would think.
    There are no essential carbohydrates.
    I'll watch the video though. And whatever the effect on insulin resistance, you need to also talk about what that would do to triglycerides, HDL, a1c, blood pressure, gas, skin, eyes, weight, hunger, many things. Carbohydrates raise insulin level for a lot longer than the glucose level. Glucose has to be rushed out of the bloodstream bcz it's a medical emergency it's so toxic to the blood vessel walls & nerve myelin sheath. But insulin can be in the blood much longer. Which then prevents people from using up stored body fat. Overweight people should NOT be consuming carbs over 20 grams a day until they reach their healthy weight. Carbs addiction is real. Have you met Dr Phillip Ovadia yet?

  4. No study here but real life trial and error brought me to a similar conclusion.

    Provided you are metabolically healthy having a bolus of carbs in one or two meals is definitely more ideal than spacing the carb (same amount) consumption out throughout the day. Nutrient timing micro and macro is actually a thing. Having the carbs all in 1 or 2 meals allows for longer duration of time that the body spends at a lower insulin mode (burn mode). People tend to think the body works on this finite 24 hour daily system/schedule and that’s just not the case. If you really want to see effects of this principle magnified put the 1-2 carb meals directly after fasted training.

  5. Well this is frustrating. I just watched a full video of yours on keto.
    Sometimes I just want to throw in the towel of researching anything. Everybody contradicts each other, and eventually people contradict themselves over time.

  6. I can't see how you can measure insulin resistance accurately. Any new or old study is probably relying on statistical quirks to get people to eat just a little bit more sugar initially and stay addicted to it. Another cheap marketing ploy.

  7. Eating a balanced diet with carbs, protein (with limited fat) and veggies was the way we were brought up to be and stay healthy. No need for randomised trials etc. etc. to know we need all these macro nutrients for a nourished body.

  8. With all this ‘new evidence’ I’m convinced they are basically guessing. I bet there is another ‘study’ that contradicts this one. There is no secret. Eat single ingredient, Whole Foods in moderation. Simple.

  9. i have 30g relatively easy carbs in the morning at 10..11, and 90g pasta (italian) around 6..8pm, + some veggies. HOMA-iR is 0.5, fasted insulin is 2.4. Yet, I also practice TRF 14..16h, and 18h once a week
    Key is, to have a sufficiently long window without carbs, and the big chunk of carbs then not so high glycemic.

  10. Something that is not discussed: the role of the vascular endothelial glycocalyx as our shields and how it is decimated by large blood glucose spikes. The glycocalyx also cannot recover (it takes hours) if we are constantly consuming carbs.

    Can you afford to drop your shields in this toxic world?

  11. Eating 100g of Carbs in One Sitting…..the reason people get insulin resistance in the first place and get diabetes. None of these studies should be trusted we all know high carb intake causes insulin resistance over time. 🙃I will stick to my low carb whole foods clean keto diet😇

  12. I’ve lost the most weight doing exactly with what Thomas is talking about and I’m battling insulin resistance with PCOS. I work on weekends and have a bigger but protein focused breakfast and then work for about 10 hours and have a lower carb but high protein dinner. I have woken up on Mondays being 1.5 pounds down consistently and down 15 lbs. I have a very physically active job that has me walking about 8k steps while basically doing a middle of the day fast. I can easily eat breakfast at 8 am and then eat again at 9 pm. That huge time window of not eating and giving my body a break has done wonders for me but don’t feel deprived because I know that I’ll have a meal when I get home.

  13. I’m doing great on my very low carb keeping my T2 diabetes in remission. I’ll pass on the Russian Roulette with carbs. My steaks , hamburger, and eggs keep me building muscle while keeping A1c below 5.4.

  14. There is no denying the fact that there is a real obesity and an overweight epidemic onsetting the world. The plain and simple truth is, while gaining weight is always relatively very easy and instantaneous on the one side, but losing weight is always comparatively a lot harder, and never instantaneous, on the other. The pendulum always swings unevenly both ways here. Pleasure is always short lived and momentary, but pain and suffering is always long and extended. Also that which is seemingly pleasurable in the beginning is always that much more painful in the end, and that which is seemingly painful in the beginning is always pleasurable in the end. All sorts of foods can be just as addictive, binding, and just as unhealthy as all sorts of drugs and all sorts of addictive substances. Food dependency and food cravings are just as real as drug and substance dependency and drug and substance cravings. Anyone who tells you, you can lose weight by merely eating a particular diet, such as a keto diet, a carnivore diet, a paleo diet, a mediterranean diet, ….. and not gain weight by eating, or tells you that you can lose weight by simply taking a pill such as ozempic… , are flat out lying to you. All a herbivore eats is grass, seemingly the most lightest and thinnest, of all substances, but they are also always that much more the heavier, and fatter for it. So, if you ask me, prevention is always better than cure. I am thoroughly convinced that regular fasting techniques, by which I mean pure clean water fasting, such as ADF, OMAD and calorie counting, with a bit of regular all round exercising are always the better way to go. So do not fixate on a protein alone, or a carb alone, a fat alone diet. Just as you cannot afford to focus on one body part alone while exercising, so also you cannot afford to focus on one type of food alone while eating, such as protein and fat alone, but you need the right mix of all ingredients. Never ignore everything else at the expense of focusing on only one thing. What, when, where and how you eat, and what, when, where and how you exercise always matters.

  15. I’ve been intermittent fasting for 8 1/2 years. I LOVE it. My sweet spot seems to be 2 meals a day, no snacks eaten within 4 to 5 hours. Oh, I do low carb Mediterranean type food & walk or aerobics every day with 3 half hour sessions of weigh training. I’m 70 and on no medications. Lots of supplements, though.

  16. Man u have really sold out. Keto is out, carbs are in… what will it b next year – whatever u want to eat is healthy?? Really disappointed in your wishy washy science that changes monthly

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