
Dumpster Dive Discovery: Fixing the Severin Chill RB 7025 Vacuum Robot

Dumpster Dive Discovery: Fixing the Severin Chill RB 7025 Vacuum Robot

In this video, I share my exciting find—a Severin Chill RB 7025 vacuum robot rescued from the dumpster! Fixing the Severin Chill …


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  1. you should try replace the micro controller with esp32 and program it with esphome, that will allow easy intergration into home assistant, and make programming it much easier
    i have already replaced several appliance main board with esp and it work great, just replaced a dc fan main board with a pwm main motor and 2 steppers, the esphome does not support charlieplex which is a bit of a issue but i only used the speed +- and power button

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