Solar Energy

#DIY #Solar #golfcart #offgrid #generator #fun 100% powered by the #sun & #sunpowergold

Full video on YouTube. @sungoldpowerofficial inverter.


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  1. This is AWESOME!!!! i live in Alaska and we value ALL of the little bit of sunlight we get but with the right battery we can really make good stuff happen!!! i would LOVE to have a cart like this!!!

  2. KW isn't a unit of measuring electricity stored. Saying it stores 8 KW, is like me saying my car has 300 hp in the tank.

    More like 8000W.h which is how many watts it could produce for an hour straight. amp hour on the other hand is a measure of much energy you can push/pull from the cells, its the maximum amps the thing can output for an hour, or ran at lower amps, you can increase its hours.

    In summary. Watts are a product of current x voltage (like horsepower = torque x rpm). Watt hours is the measure of energy stored (like gallons, you can calculate how long an engine can make X horsepower with a given fuel volume, or how much horsepower would it make if it ran its tank empty in just 1 hour), and amp hour is the actual energy available (kinda like how big is the fuel line, you obviously can't run a tank dry in one hour, so what's the max amount of fuel the engine can truly use)

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