
Did US Government Experiments Open Portals of Space-Time?

Did US Government Experiments Open Portals of Space-Time?

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  1. Doesn’t surprise me at all.. as if they’d tell you anything about the technology they have at their disposal theses days.. it’s all about power unfortunately not the advancement and development of all man kind

  2. As an alien physicist it is abundantly clear to me that these people know very little about physics.
    Shall I show you where they lost their minds years ago? Bohr, Niels Bohr is all disinformation to prevent nuclear proliferation.
    Imagine the scope of that in todays society and all the megaprojects based on it and all the physicists believing it everywhere and writing papers getting Nobel prizes etc.
    Let me give you a quote from Einstein..
    Einstein: Ether and Relativity available at the Mac Tutor database…
    5 May 1920 at the University of Leiden
    Recapitulating, we may say that according to the general theory of relativity space is endowed with physical qualities; in this sense, therefore, there exists an ether. According to the general theory of relativity space without ether is unthinkable; for in such space there not only would be no propagation of light, but also no possibility of existence for standards of space and time (measuring-rods and clocks), nor therefore any space-time intervals in the physical sense.

    You see how completely wrong everyone is about reality and physics. In this world.
    Now earth's gravity well is a sphere of course and we are dragging the ether with us, and hence no ether wind of Michelson and Morley.
    You and I can understand that surely, yet all of mainstream physics cannot.
    It is golf ball shaped bubbles Planck length in diameter. Quantum foam bubbles. Simple.
    Grab one beside the sun grab one beside earth they are different sizes. Bring them together they are the same size.
    Newton said they were ball bearings. Imagine how close he actually was way back then.
    So I can't reteach you physics here. But I am matrix special ops, and have been in the simulator by beaming into Smithbots. I have beamed off planet over 980 times. And know all about space portals and stargate doors. I have been through a stargate door. I can't share any of that with you.
    Its matrix computer technology. What does the simulator look like? A flying disk 50 feet in diameter.
    See The Day the Earth Stood Still. You see? Inside information. Intel left in plain site for people like myself a time traveler.
    Lets suppose you want some information and maybe even know about me like the NAVY did years ago. During the Cold Fusion fiasco where I sent a letter to M.I.T. and gave them that intel that I was supposed to according to that film The Day the Earth Stood Still. And they freaked and made a press release using something not related to get us all together somewhere and we met in a BBS system and I gave them the physics they needed for computer chips and microbiology. And CERN started building the Internet for us. And I helped them survive the shock and awe of finding out they were victims of disinformation.
    I will give you my diary even though for 20 years I was in sci physics gabbing away. Blabbing everything. lol Usenet is gone now from most providers so I use google groups and save my thoughts into that cloud system for posterity.
    So if you can can find a group called meaningless nonsense in google groups and find the thread
    Basics on how the simulator works
    There is also a couple physics threads there a new physics model and fundamentals explained.
    And plenty of stuff you find in an alien diary that you might want to ignore.
    But that first thread you need more than anything you ever needed in your lives.
    Who am I speaking to when I write? My off planet planetary matrix engineers.

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