
China is using humanlike robots to build cars in war against legacy automakers

China is using humanlike robots to build cars in war against legacy automakers – Buy something and support The Electric …


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  1. China now make 70% of the world's electric car. I remember people laughing at Chin'as populous, modern, with many skyscrapers but very polluted cities, and I just knew then that it wouldn't take long for China to realize that it needs to built its own electric car industry, and it did!

  2. Robots ate good for automation purposes but human like robots make just no sense nowadays.
    If they have just to repeat one task or two,over and over,just make them fixed,there is no need to overcomplicate their structure.
    This is not happening now and will not happen by the end of this year,maybe in a remote future

  3. More Chinese electric cars exploded than any other manufacturer as well but no mention of this fact but wait there is more news Toyota and The Ford motor Company are going to make Hydrogen powered cars there preferred models cleaner than Electric cars on the environment than The Lithium Battery safer for all who are concerned

  4. The west is using 20th century technology to design and manufacture their cars. No way can they compete with China. The only way out is to force its citizens with laws passed by their so-called democratically elected government to keep driving gas guzzlers and to put up with last century technology. In the mean time polluting the earth further than what they already have.

  5. The capability of these robots is far from acceptable for real car production environment yet. Most exterior assembly steps can be done and have been already made by robots for decades. This is a marketing stunt. Robots don't need to walk around, the product moves to them, so it has redundant functionality built in which makes no sense from a manufacturing perspective. It can brake. Most assembly steps that require human dexterity is in the interior of the vehicles which these robots can't reach. You clearly have no experience in this so can be easily fooled by those footages you show in the video. I like the videos but just like everybody you make mistakes too. This is one of those times.

  6. Meanwhile the US and Europe are blasting full force into greater reliance on China for solar panels, EV batteries and motors and rare earth minerals. Heck, the US can’t even supply itself with nitrile gloves. Didn’t Covid teach us about supply chain dependency on China. Our corrupt politicians and extreme left politics and policies are putting this country at great risk!

  7. Can't wait until robots make cars, cook food, clean hotels, put roofs on houses, make the streets, teach your kids, police the streets, code, drive trucks, weld in the ship yard, every job, doctors, lawyers, judges. Finally we can just all sit back and get our weekly check right?😂😂😂😂

  8. If you make a $30,000 EV but China makes the same EV with robots for $15,000… then you're the one trying to start a war by blocking consumers from purchasing it with propaganda tyrades

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