
Censored Research EXPOSES Shocking Clots Discovery

In this remarkable interview with Dr Matt Shelton (New Zealand), we delve into the shocking findings that embalmers have observed. Discover the startling revelations about the possibility of “vax nanobots” and the censored research that has emerged surrounding them.

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Don’t miss our in-depth analysis of the ethical considerations and the societal impact of these revelations. This video aims to inform and provoke thought about how we need to determine the future of medicine.

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Are the Embalmers Clots Occurring in the Living?
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  1. It's almost like you want to depopulate the planet but very slowly over a long period. Maybe everyone drops dead in 5 years….. what a world we live in 😢. I did try to tell them….I really tried. Life will not be the same, but they simply will not listen.

  2. The funeral guy from Milton Keynes sent these blood clots to the coroners who are the top people they told him to get rid of it basically shut up all these people just letting it happen need to be held accountable have assets stripped and publicly humiliated and never be able to hold a position like that again

  3. I met Dr Shelton at a public meeting early 2021. Most Kiwis were following the Government Propaganda, including my Doctor, Family and Friends. It was a very difficult time and people with courage, like Dr Shelton, were very important for the dissenters. I continue to support NZDSOS, although I've lost my income so it's a small donation – but I'll be attending the Conference via ZOOM. Many people are aware of the rise in serious illness in NZ – cancer, neurological and heart related, but few make the connection with the inoculation program. I suspect it may be decades before the truth comes out. Much respect to Dr Matt Shelton.

  4. They'll try getting unvaccinated staff, but people would be mad to go back with the risks of shedding from the mouth of vaccinated of vaccine materials and Spike Protein 😢😢😢

  5. I can tell you – EVERY TIME I get even just a cold, a few days later my heart gets inflamed and hurts a bit, and if I don't up the Nattokinase dose, it gets a whole lot worse. Have 3 of my valves damaged now – never had any problems or any of this showing up ever pre vaccines, and I had had some proper checks done sometimes in my life 😢😢😢

  6. It was a pandemic, but a pandemic of the application of evil intent. The intent to further concentrate wealth, to concentrate authoritarian control, to cull populations of the aged and disabled, to harm a variety of bodily systems within all ages in order to shorten life expectancies and interfere with human reproduction, etc,

  7. Is Dr Shelton talking about 19% or 90% or 30 % of dead and vaccinated people who have these clots? See timemark 23:15 in this video. It is very unclear to me. Thanks! (90% would be a real catastrophe!)

  8. It is outrageously non sensicle that doctors such as Dr Shelton have lost their licence. But unfortunately it mirrors exactly the rest of the shenigens at play. The medical board et Al have lost the plot completely.I salute Dr's such as Dr Shelton who make the ethical stand at much personal cost and effort. They bring hope and pride with them. Good luck in your court case

  9. I was pro COVID vax here in the USA even though I initially had reservations due to lack of research and the new mRNA technology. My immune system fell apart after the 2 initial vaccines and I refuse boosters. There is such a strong anti MAGA sentiment tied to vaccine hesitancy here that intelligent people immediately dismiss these questions. It is strongly pushed to "keep grandma safe" here. I am 65yo and in a Community Health Worker certificate program and they teach a Motivational Interviewing class on COVID vaccine hesitancy class geared towards convincing people the vaccine is safe. It is scary because we are so brainwashed that nobody will even question its safety. I didn't believe this story of unusual clotting at first, but after watching a few videos from legitimate MDs discussing this I am concerned about the lack of research regarding this and other statistics surrounding reported serious side effects. Chris Cuomo did an interview with the former CDC chief involved with COVID from the beginning and he says he can actually prove that some of his current patients contracted long COVID from the vaccine. I have a friend who had this happen. I wonder how many years before we get the truth. I appreciate your focus on research and the lack of, stressing these questions may or MAY NOT be true, but the lack of adequate research is the main problem.

  10. I can see why we don’t have doctors speaking up for their patients. They don’t dare suffer what Dr Shelton and many others in the medical system have seen. NZ has a major problem with getting nurses and doctors as so many are either leaving the profession or retiring. What a disgrace to lose such a professional and morally driven doctor as Matt Shelton.

  11. Truly excellent interview, thank you both for delivering this! It would be great if you could connect up with John O'Loony here in the UK who has done an incredible job of bringing attention to what he has seen as a funeral director and embalmer.

  12. They either hyped it from the start or else they themselves feared it from the very start. I remember the video footage and fearful reports from Italy. The Chinese were perhaps giving it a very low profile, but we were told that the Chinese were wrong and underhand in doing that. Anyway, weren't our leaders and decision-makers (most of them anyway) making their decisions back then knowing that they could be wrong, but making those decisions with best intentions? P.S: many scientists and medics followed the mantra because they were told that this was the one – the pandemic that they had been warned about. They likely thought, at first, that they had to go along with it just in case it was as was said. Then…

  13. Doctors been feeding the sheep garbage for many years in this country this situation only confirms what most people should of known allready.dont trust doctors.they have proven to us that when push comes to shove they will prescribe anything there told to

  14. Doctors were led into temptation by their history of 'compulsory' compliance to Mamon-based business (big Pharma and the medical boards that control the medical world). Willful ignorance and little to none, critical thinking. Many other professionals did the same thing under threat and pressures from their employers. They mostly are the reason that first line of defense against tyranny got further than the news. They assisted in destroying the middle class, and recovery is nigh on impossible as the enemy celebrated the true colors that people in general displayed by supporting management/HR departments in their quest for zero tolerance and full compliance strategies put in place over recent years in corporations to support the narrative of evil i.e. 'for the greater good'.
    They have their jobs, but they lost their honor. As far as I am concerned, they did this in unison and as cowardly as only men can be. Hiding behind their families and debt and 'for the greater good'. These are the 'Yes-men' of modern society, the reason for the tolerance of evil. Only a handful had and still have the guts and integrity to resist the waves of deception that keep rolling in. What will it take for the majority to make a stand for what is right?

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