
Call-in Show – Mandela Effect / Daniel 7:25

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  1. The Bible has always said, if you break ONE of these LAWS, meaning anyone of the 613 mosaic laws then YOU BREAK THEM ALL. One can know we are not under the mosaic law anymore, if so all would have to follow all 613 laws. The temple in Jerusalem was destroyed in AD 70, so the sacrifices can not be sacrificed there, so the whole law can not be observed. I doubt most Christians today only wear one type of FABRIC at a time. I am sure most wear clothes mixed with cotton and another material, for example. I f on is not adhering to this fabric commandment they are NOT FOLLOWING THE LAW. I can list many others. The two commandments to love the Father with all your heart mind and soul. To treat your neighbor and love them as you treat and love yourself. The laws are summed up there. Other commandments are listed. In the new covenant one does not have to esteem one day over another, ONE HAS TO ESTEEM JESUS CHRIST OVER ALL, ALL THE TIME EVERY DAY. HENCE THAT IS OUR SABBATH SO TO SPEAK. JESUS CHRIST IS OUR REST. It is great to have a day a week to rest from having to deal with the world and give all your attention to God. But if you do it to observe the old covenant Sabbath, THEN YOU NEED THE FOLLOW ALL THE 613 LAWS. Peace and grace to ya all.

  2. Yes, a whole other conversation about John Kirwin. BEWARE. He by his own admission is a SALESMAN. He stated that he uses the same SALESMAN TACTICS to spread the supernatural Bible changes as he did as an insurance salesman. Hmm? There is a difference between a salesman and a person who sells something. Yes, he also promotes the kundalini spirit of the toronto blessing. He promotes a false healer and
    prophet( apologies I forget his name). I used to listen to his stream and comment. He used share some in his show as he did other people. But then like often, I saw the cunning snake behavior. The last time I checked in with him he was justifying LYING to pastors at first to get in the door to speak on the supernatural Bible changes. What? I pray in the name of Jesus Christ he repents and comes to Jesus Christ again or for the first time.. Peace

  3. Kat you were amazing. The way you gently handled Charles, you had alot of love & concern for his spiritual well being. Great job. He had a kind humbleness & he was interesting to listen too. Great show👍

  4. Does anyone remember Jesus saying its better to give than to receive , i cant find it except for in Acts 20:35 !! Also i dont remember Galatians 4:26 ,Jerusalem is the mother of us all ?

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