Solar Energy

Building a Solar Plane

This is the most complex aircraft build so far 😅 Get SOLIDWORKS for Makers (20% off $48 /year!) ►

BIG thank you to Painless 360 for his help with getting our autopilot to work. Check out his channel here… I recommend it!

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DISCLAIMER: This video is purely for entertainment value. Personal use of video content is at your own risk. Recreations of experiments, activities and projects are the sole legal responsibility of the person(s) involved in replicating them. I can not be liable for any information or misinformation, wrongful use, damage to personal property, death or any circumstances that result from replication of any projects seen. Be safe!


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  1. Can you replace the propeller by some sort of ion wind construction or alike, to avoid moving parts? This way the flight time would not be limited by the wear of moving parts and get much closer to infinity.

  2. You learned some of the most important flying and engineering lessons here. Make a plan and use checklists. And perhaps most importantly, when you feel like you need to rush, take a quick step back and make sure you’re executing the plan. Don’t ask me how I’ve learned these lessons… Sometimes more than once. 😁 Love the enthusiasm! Keep up the good videos.

  3. Yowch! I actually winced multiple times at some of those hits.

    How much did those cells cost? Also, where could somebody find one or two of them? Asking for a friend…

    Thanks for an enjoyable video! I'll be subscribing to see what else you have in your imaginative little minds! :)

  4. Way cool, can't wait to see developments. I'm a prepped and have built my very own off grid solar power "generator". Some day pv efficiency will make it possible to fly our very own personal flyer solar powered plane. I am totally convinced of this. You guys are practically illustrating this. I will be subscribing.

  5. I have an idea for something for you to try. I don't know if you are an SF fan?. There are a series of books by David Drake called "Hammer's Slammers" about a futuristic mercenary unit. The star of the stories is the Panzers. These are 170 ton hover tanks. The interesting part and what could be an interesting challenge is this. The tanks use a rigid plenum chamber rather than a flexible one and are powered by 8 fans in the plenum chamber which are gimballed to provide motion to the vehicle. The interesting challenge would be to use some sort of computer to stabilize the system and then to see if changing the direction of the fans thrust could be used to maneuver the craft.

  6. for Mk II, have a charging circuit for the "controller battery" that pulls power from the "motor battery", that way you can guarantee that you'll have close to a full charge if anything were to go wrong and you were to lose thrust/have to bring it in for a manual landing.

  7. You could benefit from using a small capacitor to store some charge from the solar panels and use it when you manuver facing away from the sun, because your plane seems to lose power completely at certain angles, which is not ideal.
    UPD: sorry, I seem to have commented too quickly in the video, as later you explained the same problem.

  8. @Project-Air I'd take a look at some of the more professional implementations of this/research projects, the ones that come to mind are atlantik solar which achieved a multi day mission and the Kraus Hamdani K10000 ULE. Both of these rely on high aspect ratio glider designs that rely on thermals to mantain a lot of their altitude.

  9. I'm genuinely interested in doing a similar build. What is stopping you from doing a smaller scale RC plane? I know you need large surface area for solar cells but can't you do it on a smaller scale where you have a tiny motor/battery?

    I had a quadcopter that weighed like 40grams and it could go like 60-70kmph (Mobula 7)

  10. James you are so talented with your ideas, filmmaking and building skills – but PLEASE can you update your knowledge of flight electronics! A tiny INAV FC would have flown much better out of the box, that GPS is from the stone age, and you recently loss an entire build due to continuing to use Spektrum. Your projects would be much more successful if you engaged with a local drone club or online community to get advice on modern equipment.

  11. If humanity invents long range wireless electricity which goes from point A to point B then you could create more solar aroplanes like this but can go above the clouds so then the clouds don’t block the sunlight and generate eco friendly electricity without having to have ground solar panels which are blocked by clouds

  12. Pre-flight checklists are a thing for a reason. You might want to try to find low light cells. There have been some recent advancements in low light efficiency cells and some are flexible as well. Cool project, good luck.

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