
Boosting Agriculture in Nigeria -Enang

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  1. Naira is the Nigerian currency and not Dollars. Nigerians are the only ones that can add value to the Naira. Produce products and the value of Naira will appreciate naturally. Produce, produce, produce.

  2. The serving DG or chairman of NAFDAC said she returned back from USA where to make money is hard

    Don't forget the government of USA has made everything available for citizens before making money becomes hard
    Come back to Nigeria where stealing and looting money is easier

    Both she and her husband who were professors [ if you consider the rate of professors you have in Nigeria who gain their certificate from foreign countries, ]

    You will ask whether those living and born in that UK or USA why has not all of them not become professors too ?

    People left Nigeria 1980s mould fake certificate from primary school to moving to UK or USA to apply for masters jumping from primary school to start masters

    After coming back to Nigeria you code them professors and most are never verified

    She said in the interview at arise TV or TVC recently that her husband came back too as lion

    To rule a LGA in osun state where they came from, built slot of things at osun state, one would ask with all that which her husband built

    Yet osun state had still be looking like desert as such and she with her husband is looting now from NAFDAC

    Telling lies that she inherited #3.5 billion debt which is always stories Nigerian leaders tell to scare away eyes of Nigerians from spying on them in office

    Who will go to monitor who has declared she is on debt from other people who has left the office

    One of the easiest things to make is contacts, connections. It's easy in the sense that it all depends on choice as it is a personal making.

    It is easier than making money. And the two of them are different nomenclatures: money and contacts. You can have contacts, yet you don't have money.

    You can have money, yet you don't have contacts. When i talk about contacts, it is not, to a meaningful extent only the people you know in your state or locality, but the people you know also in other places.

    You must have to break sectional barriers and connect to people of different cultural, religious and intellectual orientations before you can beat your chest and say you have contacts.

    Where money can't save you, then contacts come in.

    Sometimes, you need contacts to have access to a person that can approve a thing for you. You don't have a direct contact with the person, so, you've to pass through another person to get access to them.

    Contacts bring money. Money also brings contacts. Where these two fail, then God becomes the next hope.

    But in our kind of society, these two can give one almost everything, anytime. God manifests through human beings.
    How do you now make the contacts. ?

    Well, it depends on what a person calls contacts. Your personality and aspirations determine the kind of contacts you can have.

    Some just need to know the important people around their areas of engagement and that's it for them.

    Contacts making is in stages. All you need to do is to establish value around yourself which now becomes your selling point and bargaining strength.

    You don't just meet someone and snap pictures with them and call it contact. You must represent something alluring which can now make the person save your phone number.

    If the other party sees it that you've nothing meaningful to contribute to their professional life, there is no need adopting you as a contact.

    Your need must have to be there. It could be that when you talk, people laugh. It could be that you inspire when you talk.

    It could also be that you are always in the news, or that you're virtual figure. One special thing must be traced to you. That is the strength of your personality.

    You must not be a millionaire to make worthwhile contacts. Your value is enough to create powerful contacts for you.

    Contacts are both disposable and renewable. Some contacts go out of fashion. So, you have to replace them with the people in vogue.

    Contacts are mobile as much as they are mulched. You keep maintaining them. If the other person doesn't see you as a contact, too, then you don't have a contact in him or her as well.

    You are only deceiving yourself. In a way, however, the ability to make contacts can be divine or inborn.

    Whatever you do, majority must like it. You wear an attractive face. Whoever comes in contact with you gets to like you.

    You are likeable. This is a divine gift. Whether or not you have money, it keeps resonating everywhere you go. A month of staying in a place is enough for everybody to know you. It's a gift!

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