
Biochemist Runs Away from James Tour’s Challenge on Abiogenesis #science #chemistry

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  1. We need more teachers/professors/scientists who are as outspoken and brave as Dr Tour! We all know deep down inside of our souls, that Darwinian evolution makes zero sense in the world that we live in and witness each and every day, with our own eyes. We also know that life only comes from life. Also, intelligence only comes from a mind. Therefore, DNA and all of the laws that govern the universe are clear evidence of a mind behind the creation of the universe and life.

  2. Well this is nothing more than willful ignorance on the part of James Tour.

    Asking his "colleagues" , who he slanders and misrepsents, to discuss his questions would be like or having a debate with Sean Carrol and Eric Dubay on the shape of the earth. It is like calling Eric Dubay a colleague of Sean Carrol.

    The fact they will not talk to James is a reflection of how wrong James is combined with the unprofessional behavior of a flat earther such as Eric.

    James, you can not call the people you send these questions to your "colleagues", you are not an ool researcher. Just because you have a PhD does not make you an expert outside your field and certainly not colleagues with anyone and everyone who has a PhD. You do not even publish in the same journals and you are neither qualified or invited to do peer review of ool research. You can't get your objections to ool research published outside of YEC because everyone who knows anything about ool research knows how unqualified you are.

    The arrogance to declare himself the winner and the lack of education of his followers is astounding.

    If you want to learn about ool research, listen to the people with proper education, knowledge, and experience in the field. Getting ool information from James is like asking your babysitter for medical advice.

  3. How disgusting ly dishonest so many of these nay sayers , atheists , name callers and ad homiem spewers are !!?

    So sad so cowardly so proud so devious so thick skinned to not say sorry and accept they are wrong .

  4. Bless you, Jim. May you learn to know Jesus more and more, may you walk with him, follow him, and obey him. May you love him, adore him, and glorify him.
    He has chosen to put you where you are to show the world that It's grasping at lies in order to keep him from building his kingdom. But his kingdom will be over all the Earth. There is not a square inch that Jesus will not claim as his his own. May it come soon.

  5. The arrogant lies from these charlatans is despicable. They are talking fraud. Fantasy. Tour is talking science. All the facts are on his side. The lying cowards know it, which is why they never will face him.

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