Solar Energy

As Zambian hydroelectric power runs dry, can solar energy plug the gap? • FRANCE 24 English

Southern Africa is facing its worst drought in a century, worsened by climate change. Over 68 million people face food and water …


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  1. The impact in Lusaka, capital city is huge not only loadshedding but the economy keeps on descending mostly business h've been shut down🥺. They is also lack of mealie meal, Zambian main stable food farmers are out of words .The nation is going through a rough tym 😑 Citizens are starving..

    Pray for Zambia 🥺🙏

  2. Zambia Electrical Supply Company has failed and literally failed to think that some day due to these climate changes drought could hit us so badly. Poor planning and poor management

  3. Been in the Solar Energy Sector for 5 years now, I can tell you that people in rural areas were prepared for this. They are not as affected as the people in urban and perri urban areas are. It is for this reason that sales in urban areas have shot up.

  4. Not 3 hrs of power, more like 3 hours in 5 days. Even though tax have been removed on solar products on imports, companies are exploiting Zambians using high commodity prices, things are really really bad here.

  5. As Zambian 3 hrs per day with power it's not true it's just a cover up story we go up to days with no power no water people Walk at night to look for water . Zambian government have no say the quick in saying but not in doing .. were have too much sunshine wind rising but they depending on hydro .life is becoming hard and will continue..

  6. Ei! Why are y'all showing villages/rural areas like Zambia is one big village? 😂💁🏾‍♂️
    Thta makes us look like we got nothing greater than that. 🤦🏾‍♂️

    But damn, we really are suffering with 23hrs of loads shedding.

  7. Let me save you the trouble, no, solar can't fill in the gap the dams have left.

    That would require an ungodly number of panels, which we dont have an ungodly amount of money we dont have…and no, we can't borrow from China. Aren't we still paying them the last loan?

  8. To be honest, the load-shedding situation started in 2007 in Zambia. However, our country is only now implementing measures to encourage the use of alternative power sources such as solar and gas…. I feel we had enough time and it is too little too late 😢

  9. Lets be very clear. This mess cannot be blamed on drought and elnino let alone climate change. This is all about useless corrupt African government and a simple lack of hard work, planning and development.

  10. They announced 3 hours a day but in reality its actually 3 hours every 3 days. I literally dont know anywhere where they have 3 hours of electricity everyday. Sometimes we get morethan 3 hours, but we definitely dont get power everyday.

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