
As measles cases increase, experts warn against vaccine skepticism

Thanks to vaccinations, measles was declared eliminated in the United States in 2000. But measles cases are now back, and one big reason is that, across the country, more families have exempted their children from routine immunizations than ever before. CBS News chief medical correspondent Dr. Jon LaPook looks at how the views of “anti-vaxxers” are precipitating new health crises; and talks with health experts about the dangers posed by anti-vaccine and anti-science movements.

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  1. Thanks to the Covid jab fiasco, trust in vaccinations is all but gone. Except for the naive few who have kept their heads in the sand, and those still following national healthcare in blind faith. Trust is easily broken, and difficult to regain.

  2. When son started school I got boosters for everything because I had had none of the usual "childhood" stuff. I'll get a covid booster when I get my flu shot next month (a flu shot too early could wear off before the season's over). I'll ask then if I need a measles booster. I am disabled with compromised lungs so I need all the boostering I can get, healthwise.
    I'm in Oregon, tho, so I might just get in to get get the covid and measles asap, IF I need a measles booster. Time to call my pharmacy. LOVE the convenience of getting poked at my pharmacy, don't you?

  3. Yep. The propaganda machine is ramping up. Get your shots kids. Are they vaccinating the millions of people who have come across our borders and continue to pour in?

  4. If not getting vaccinated only hurt the unvaccinated it would be fine. But the unvaccinated among us are a threat to those too young to be vaccinated – there are baby deaths every year from whooping cough, for instance.

  5. You need to also look at COVID vaccines suppressing the immune system. This is a fact. Some MDs think this could be behind the increase in whooping cough this year. I wonder about the huge rise in flu recently. I'm antivax when it comes to COVID due to issues with the technology, but not measles, flu, pneumovax. The 2 initial shots destroyed my immune system for over a year, and a friend got long COVID from the vaccine. Most people, including many doctors, don't understand how the vaccine works and many are afraid of speaking out for fear of sanctions.

  6. If they want people to trust them again then how about telling the truth on transgender. You can’t just wish yourself to be another sex. There are two sexes. You are one or the other. Sex is not fluid. You are born either male or female.

  7. The good news is there will be a lot less liberals around because of the Fauchi poke.

    Amazing to see Liberals become big pharma shills. Remember when they were anti-establishment? Now, they are the establishment.

  8. If anti-vaxers were only risking their own health and safety, I'd say it's their prerogative to do as they wish, but that's not the case. Their refusal to participate in vaccination, while insisting on interjecting themselves into public spaces is a huge public safety risk. People like RFK Jr are causing undue risk, suffering, and loss. That's not acceptable.

  9. I am constantly in awe of how gullible people are. If you think the medical industrial complex, and by extension the government, have your best interests in mind with the things they push, you deserve what you get. Get a browser other than google, one that doesn't use google because they will only show you things that align with the government and corporate interests, and do some research of your own, at least just read opinions that go against the party line, if you aren't convinced that they are more than happy to destroy our health in the name of corporate profits and interest well then good luck to you. I mean really, you all just believe everything they tell you, without the slightest bit of skepticism.

  10. Nuts! Poor children who don't have a chance except for parents with the wisdom to vax their kids. Geez! I remember standing in line at a local school as a very young child to get vaccinated — the whole community in line. WE saw this as a blessing, a major improvement to ACTUALLY GETTING THE DISEASE. If I had children today, they would be vaccinated, WITHOUT QUESTION!!!!!

  11. Propaganda and misinformation at it's finest. First, the majority of people protesting are NOT antivaxx, they just want to delay the shots a few years to age 5 instead of giving to newborns and toddlers. Plus they want the shots spaced out–given over a longer duration. Second, they didn't bother to report that nearly 1 in 5 vaccines is subsequently recalled due to adverse reactions and other harmful problems.

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