
Are the Beings in Alien Covenant Different From the Engineers in

In this short video, we explore the intriguing question: Are the beings in *Alien: Covenant* the same Engineers we saw in …


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  1. That is true through the movies view humans only brought destruction and war. Ripley and certain few were smart to see past thier egos in life. You can also tell that the engineers were superior and looked as God's because the people down below looked above praising thier welcome at first through the clips, but then when they see the bombs drop they run because they probably knew it was dangerous or they knew about the secret weapon but I'm not forsure on all this.

  2. They are the engineers my guess is that the make up department didn’t have enough time/resources to make everyone look like the original engineer in Prometheus .

  3. Well we know the engineers military branch was decimated like 2000 years before humans found the engineers, so it’s not a stretch to say this civilization stagnated while waiting for the military to show back up.

  4. Engineers are a perfected race that won the war against "Aliens" and spread life in their peaceful universe but experiments like "humans" and "Predators" recreate "aliens" one way or another either for war or by A.i thus they never evolve into "engineers" and evolve into "Aliens" instead. It takes a race to finally evolve into "engineers" to stop the "aliens" and that's the endless cycle in the universe

  5. I think they are the original race. I mean they look different because of budgeting reasons probably. Other than that, Shaw said she wanted to go where the engineers came from and asked David if he could do that and he said yes.

  6. Engineers are so far along the technological timeline they might not even remember what their original form was. Anyone who can manipulate genetic codes as well as they can could have changed their original form so many times they would be unrecognizable by their forefathers.

  7. Ok i hv a question. I saw a short saying that they stopped reproducing and became all male? Any thoughts on this. Also the one Engineer with the black clook over its head s you re looked female in the face to me! Anybody know?

  8. Ridley Scott said they were another civilization like humans. Ridley Scott also said they’re the general population of engineers, while mentioning the ones on the spaceship are military engineers not general populace.

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