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  1. I believe it to be either a personal force field generator or holographic device to make them appear human.Mabe some sort of satellite phone powerful enough to connect with others like themselves all over the Earth.

  2. Medical bag? Tool bag? DNA bag? Mail bag? Status symbol? I'd like to understand the watches they wear. The images are very precise in all the cultures. So it's make and size I feel are probably accurate. Stories about the fallen sons of God, say they took 2 of animals and made hybrid human animal combos that the fallen used or wore? Not sure.

  3. 8:18 the oldest pyramid is not just 7500 years old. Pyramids of Giza for example, a portion of the lower parts are now proven to have once been sitting under water. Seashell, sea horse fossils have been dated back past 10,000 yrs. The pyramids line up with star constellations that were last lined up 13,000 yrs ago.

  4. The secret of the Handbags is the floral design on both wrists. When the wrists come together The wire to the bag to wrist gave an electrical charge. The bag only needs a piece of fruit for this current to be focused at the finger tips or a rod. It's logical.
    The Igneous Rock sticking out of the ground Tugaloo is meant to be struck. Igneous Rock are resonant rocks and used for music or to announce via ground vibration for those further away and the audible for those close by. The sound vibration carries for miles when struck or rubbed along the edge with a damp leather, like a violin, correctly.

  5. A women spent her career going to caves & meticulously writing down the symbols. Turns out cave men not only had 30 letters/symbols. But they span 20,000 yrs. 40k bc to 15k bc. It was used all over europe. This is non conspiracy its mainstream. Look it up its so interesting

  6. The Tomb of Tutankhamun (1922):
    When Howard Carter uncovered the nearly intact tomb of the young pharaoh Tutankhamun in Egypt's Valley of the Kings, it shocked the world. The treasure filled tomb provided unprecedented insights into ancient Egyptian culture and burial practices.

  7. In my country they're the gifts from the gods Tāne ascends to the heavensThere he retrieved three baskets of knowledge: te kete-tuatea (basket of light), te kete-tuauri (basket of darkness) and te kete-aronui (basket of pursuit).

  8. The Pope, was right when we he said, today that we shouldn't be fighting over religion…😊 The pope offered more global practical way to look at it such as the Tower of Babel I was too many voices trying to overlap all at once same thing like trying to describe religions it's another version of language development so to speak

  9. When I was a kid in the 60s, my grandmother and her older sisters used the expression. "Going to Hell in a handbag." I'm connecting dots here. Could it be that the ancients were depicting the gods as soul collectors?

  10. What if it's a battery batteries also have a holding thing plus there's a astronaut just saying of course it's whatever you might see it as but what it's really about you have to look deeper in the sculpture s carved out on the Ancient temples from India and the budest Monks have the knowledge of it

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