
Apparently doctors say vaping is HEALTHY

Hey homies :)




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  1. Vaping is way worse than smoking, I did both for years.

    Started smoking at 12 then at 16-17 I started vaping was spewing the stuff you cough up… My cough put any 80 year old smokers cough to shame…

    Vape strength can't be controlled either, banning high strength when all you need to do is turn up the wattage for weaker juice to do the exact same, plus it's just lame like a cigarette feels so much better 😅

  2. I live in Pakistan and kids in my school Literally vape so hard Like selling vapes in class vaping in class and vaping infront of teachers and Our Coordinator (the person who manages teachers) literally takes the vapes then takes em and fine the kids literally not telling the principal
    For info
    I study in Nishat
    Pkc branch

  3. Extra information🤔!

    Talking a little about the danger of vapes, not only in the video we are told that vapes contain varying amounts of chemicals that affect health, which make them lethal, but it is worth mentioning that the vapes use seasonings of fruit flavors to give that "flavor", which when heated release a vapor, that vapor ignites at about 40 °, while the lungs only accept gases such as air at about 38 ° … but why the lungs only accept that temperature?
    The thing is that in our lungs are structures called alveoli, they are responsible for making the gaseous exchange known for transporting oxygen from the air directly to the capillaries found in them, well …. What happens is that if the air will become very hot as in this case and the conditions are very repeated, the vape air will gradually BURN these alveoli, with response to the adverse conditions, The lungs will have going from millions of alveoli to a few hundred of them hopefully, as the alveoli will swell, sadly people die thanks to vapes from chronic diseases as, in most cases their alveoli swell so much that …. They cause this type of diseases, also, something very cruel that the companies to sell more is that, as the video indicates…. Children and teenagers consume these products and this is thanks to the irresponsibility of these companies, putting labels that their products are free of nicotine (Which makes the vapes addictive) and other chemicals (Which is obviously false since all vapes contain addictive chemicalsfor the consumer to buy more of these products)…Or simply these products are not regulated enough by corporations that govern by already existing laws to prevent children under 18 from consuming this type of products for similar reasons to sell more….

    Thanks for making it this far ;)!

  4. I moved from cigarettes, to vaping and continued vaping for years. Just quit 2 weeks ago cold turkey, havent touched one since and feel alot better everyday. Still miss it though haha especially when im bored

  5. Nah bro these videos are gonne become like:
    Ever heard about breathing? Well these nerds think thats dumb so they invent a selfp breathing atomic nural network machine so you can breath in the "right" way

  6. I'm a semi social LAD(Lung Asphalting Device) user. Smoking is bad mackay, but there's a difference in use and source of the tobacco. Vaping is still not as bad, vut you won't be living a healthy life for a long time instead of dying in agony on a late age.

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