
Ancient Aviation| The Secrets of the Istanbul Rocket#Ailight #ancientartifacts

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The “Istanbul Rocket” is a mysterious and controversial ancient artifact that has sparked intrigue and debate among historians and ancient astronaut theorists. Allegedly discovered in 1975 beneath the ancient city of Tushpa, the capital of the Urartu kingdom, this small carving is believed to be over 2,000 years old. The artifact remarkably resembles a modern rocket, featuring a pointed nose, cylindrical body, stabilizing fins, and a humanoid figure seated within—suggesting the presence of an ancient astronaut. While some argue that the carving is evidence of extraterrestrial contact, skeptics caution that it may be a symbolic representation rather than a literal depiction of advanced technology. The true nature of the “Istanbul Rocket” remains shrouded in mystery, capturing the imagination of those fascinated by the possibility of ancient advanced civilizations and the unknown.

Istanbul Rocket
Ancient astronaut theory
Urartu kingdom
Ancient artifact
Ancient technology
Extraterrestrial contact
Armenian Highlands
Ancient carvings
Mystery artifact
Archaeological discovery
Ancient civilization
Rocket ship carving
Ancient mysteries
Controversial artifact



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