
Ancient Aliens: UFO Cover-Up Mission Inside U.S. Government

In 1952 cameras spotted UFOs flying over the White House lawn in Washington D.C. – these sightings eventually lead to Project Blue Book, created by the U.S. government, in this clip from Season 5, “Aliens and Cover-Ups.”

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  1. Those last 2 theories on why project blue book ended are not mutually exclusive. Also while aliens are debatable the idea that a small select elite group is keeping info from everyone else is not farfetched or unreasonable. It happens all the time.

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  3. You are ONLY going to hear the truth from me. After Amelia Earhart was abducted, she blended in perfectly with another humanoid species in a distant galaxy. They visited Harry Truman for an exchange program with Humans and Alien Beings. There are MANY different humanoid species. President Harry Truman refused to inform the nation everyone was living in simulated world inside a simulated universe with Alien Beings. He did not want the Russians knowing they had started working with Alien Beings. All of this should have been released in 1951. You have conclusive evidence of Alien Beings visiting the "White House." Excellent Video!

  4. TheMilitary especially the Air Force has been covering up all the ufo's because they don't want us having free electricity and don't want us to have all they have to offer us. We have two governments for sure.

  5. My mom said while she was in the car unsure where exactly with her parents (I dont recall the location), in the early 60's she saw a light go screaming across the sky an 3 fighter jets chasing after it.

  6. I want people to start trying to wave these crafts down. Let's try to communicate without the governments interference, and I think we can get somewhere by doing this. I ask everyone that believes let's show the world we can do it and we don't fear the I known because I believe that's what will free humanity from this world!

  7. Just watch the post moon landing interview with Buzz Neil and Michael. They look like they were told to keep quiet about something they seen that they thought we should know ..

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