
Ancient Aliens: GIANT OTHERWORLDLY BEINGS Descended From the Sky

The Mediterranean Sea has been dubbed the incubator of western civilization and Ancient Astronaut Theorists believe stories of giant being roaming the earth is proof of otherworldly visitors, in this clip from Season 15, “Giants of the Mediterranean.”

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  1. I wonder why so much of our history is hidden? Yet our time, calendar, days, creation of civilizations, the justice system… so much came from them & yet who they are is incredibly hidden.

  2. The giants originated from the planet Tiamat, the ancient water-world
    which exploded and is now the asteroid belt.
    The problem is resurrecting true earth history.
    There are remnants of giant trees which could have been 1 mile high or more.
    I am certain that film footage or other archived media exists from these times.
    Many aliens visited earth for eons and they would have records.
    In space, there is no 'primitive' era, GOD created the universe and the means to explore it.
    These records need to be released.
    Was earth actually the 'Pandora' planet on which Avatar was based ?
    Speculation isn't science…those aliens must release records of ancient earth.
    So called 'ancient aliens' likely are living on other worlds as we speak.

  3. Ancient Mesopotamia and Indus Valley had a huge collection of peoples who were short. They were pygmies.
    The folks descending from the sky were coming down a mountain….they weren't giants. Just taller then the indigenous pygmies.
    These folks were the invaders and they were CLEVER masters of propaganda. Which is why today you think there were giants.
    There were no GIANTS. There were only DWARVES.
    These folks slaved. They propagated like crazy. Then they gaslit the folks around saying, "its not us, its them" to steal from others.
    Look at the evidence in Mesopotamia. Egypt. The land of Punt. Ur. Shurrupak. Gal-Sal. The royal death pits for their brothel.
    They spread gambling and crime. We think they originally came from Asia / Indus Valley. Dvaraka or Qeshm Island.
    Gallu Demons. Mesopotamians called them Gallu Demons.
    They spoke HEBREW (or more likely Aramaic). So whether Jews were them, or a result of their slavery is an interesting fact.
    These languages developed from combining Sumerian and Elamite languages. So you know it was sourced in Akkad and the takeover of this region where those peoples came together.
    The slaver tablets were written in 'Elamite' style. So its clear who was the slavers.
    Egypt called them Trogdolytes and claimed they were in Ethiopia.

  4. Instead of tickling the ears with regurgitating stories History channel should give actual proof.. Smithsonian Giant bones & real time images of current events 😢

  5. I have a recording on my little YouTube channel of orbs I watched come out of the ocean off the coast of Malibu and fly up the coast. We see things all the time here.

  6. I don’t care what anybody says the more history I learn the more I research. I’m trying to puzzle things together with modern time based on the history timeline we were taught, but it doesn’t make sense. There is an entire chapter of history being suppressed hidden from us and why, I mean, look at admiral Byrd and arctica exploration. This is one of the greatest explorations in human history, but yet, it’s never talked about but Christopher Columbus is glorified we are not the only ones on this planet. There are things that have been here far before us. The planet earth is like a piece of pi and us as humans are just one living slice on it.

  7. Realize average height is way taller now..DNA shot into space is the scientific ..I think a rose is a rose..the answer is obvious..a creator. Be that us which creativity is in all of is facts + creativity or manipulating science.
    And science dictates that this is a creation of atoms and molecular struckture..all planets have a northern and southern pole and gravity binds poles..isn't this description of life itself. Hence a ultimate positive and negative God and Satan..good and evil..they must exist and look in a you exist..good choices or bad haunt us. Yet science says " no proof of proof? Gimme a break

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