
Ancient Aliens: Georgio’s Top Alien Breakthroughs

Follow along as Georgio travels around the world to get to the bottom of historians most pressing questions. See more in this compilation from Ancient Aliens.

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  1. Some people are on the front line, through determination and pure grit they are gradually solving the mysteries of our ancestry. Gradually expanding our knowledge and understanding of many ancient ruins. Unfortunately we also have idiots like Soukalos and his nodding sidekick Childress constantly telling barefaced lies to help sell their latest book.

  2. This is really the reason why they intentionally removed from the Bible the BOOK of ENOCH. That book explains a lot about the existence of the unexplained giant structures on earth that cannot be explain by the scientists.

  3. This Geordio? guy is one of the best bulshitters that ever lived. Others provide the science and whatever.
    He just rounds is off with his usual and there must have been aliens. I am leaving. Otherwise I'll puke.

  4. Not sure if theres yet an english version but dr kusch is on something the church tried to hide since the battle over nürnberg and sightings over basel etc in the 17th century

  5. 2:19 Glad that was subtitled….I was listening without looking, and REALLY thought it wasn't "cement" he was saying was the "glue-like substance" they used to hold bricks together. Ancient Indian secret? It crossed my mind!

  6. All modern world easily say can’t be alien, can’t be human travel back to past etc etc etc.. but they never able to solve the riddle how they build structure which stand for 1000-2000-3000 year and how they made such a big structures without modern instruments…. 😂

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