
Ancient Alien Ruin Exposed?

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  1. The information shared on this channel is always interesting, but the overall impression it makes would be much more credible if the personal views of the narrator and his team were not shared so frequently and so predictably, particularly when they find the information to be "HIGHLY COMPELLING". That phrase is used to a maddening degree, and eventually its repetitive use registers as being both silly and annoying.

  2. We cant handle the truth, thank god the people that hide this from us mere mortals, todays society would melt down obviously, bless their little cotton sockies, so basically its nothing to see here, move along, oh look a butterfly, 🦋,

  3. And of course infrasonics and resonating frequencies are used in military applications and the Corporate Militia Governmental Industrial Complex to create sickness / dis-ease among the civilian populations globally 🌍.

  4. Shrooms meditation is how we grow a large skull like Thoth did he fly through time space and dimensions. When you meditate on shrooms you break on through to the outer side walk on water with farther he a teacher that's how Thoth and tesla got the key to the universe time is a man made and your body stay down here and moves through time and you aloud to see the past or the present or the future. the hand bag is what you carry in the heart the shrooms will heal what you carry and you heart will become as light as a feather then you stand before the king of all king that's sits on a throne in the first heaven. Jesus is king of all kings Thoth was king of the atlas the world.

  5. If they had it it's 'cause they're afraid afraid of what I'd like to know some people just don't like any kind of change in their embraced paradigm can't find better words at the moment it's very broken truth matters that I know

  6. Gobekli, Had Roofs. What Percentage Of The Roof Was Megalithic Sone, Was Probably Small Due To The Weight Support Issues Along With Elevating/ Raising ,Them To The Exact Height And Spot Prepared For That Piece,etc ….😅

  7. I love this channel, warts and all. He does repeat alot of content within the documentary's, but every time I hear something repeated, I hear or see something I have never seen or heard.

    This channel is the best Alt history channel out there, I stand by it

  8. Look underneath for quarts Chrystal.

    How Piezoelectricity is used in the underground city of Tibet and how Thoth used it to transfer his unconsciousness knowledge between multiple bodies over 16k years.

    Piezoelectricity with quarts operate on the same foundation as DNA and can be used to program DNA improving cellular reproduction accuracy rates.

    Through cymatic tuning of Piezoelectricity from quarts tuned within the body to match the frequency of the body you can gradually alter the DNA by altering the frequencies as desired to improve efficiency reversing or pausing aging.

    This is actually one of the main reasons the ancient sarcophagus are made from quarts rich granite.

    The technique use’s frequency vibrations to stimulate quarts and the body within the sarcophagus to the resonance frequency the body naturally resonates at under perfect health conditions.

    The detoxification happens naturally until the body is in perfect health and cells reproduce with out imperfections.

    Frequencies apply differently regarding the size of the quarts pieces. Large for lower frequencies to fine for higher frequencies relative to purpose it’s intended to be used. .

    Essentially you just sleep in the box and play a frequency. 🙂.

    Additionally you can copy your own DNA and transfer its data into any cloned body along with your unconsciously stored knowledge as you knowledge is stored in your DNA enabling you to live extended lives in multiple forms.

    This doesn’t guarantee your memories transfer. Just your knowledge and unconscious behavioural instincts.

    DNA hard drives currently exist developed by Microsoft 2023.

    This technology can be used for mummification or chryofreezing by separating the “H” from the “2”and the “O” removing water from the body and leaving the carbon un damaged.

    Gold production.

    Something else that’s really good to know is that cymatics and piezoelectricity are the foundation of ancient technology.

    You can use it to collect/grow gold.

    Gold production with ancient monolithic structures

    By using quarts Chrystal to filter gold rich water through while vibrating the quarts at a frequency of 20Hz gold will attract to gold magnetically even though gold isn’t magnetic.

    It accumulates together through Piezoelectricity induced by the vibrations in the quarts at 20Hz with coarse medium size or larger quarts pieces.

    Frequencies apply differently regarding the size of the quarts pieces. Large for lower frequencies to fine for higher frequencies relative to purpose it’s intended to be used. .

    It most likely is even better with salt water as the salt increases the current in the water from the quarts.

    If you place gold into the quarts sand it will grow gold from microscopic gold particles if there’s any in the water as well as nuggets will cling to each other.

    Fact. Quarts + pressure + (heat optional) and vibrations at 20Hz (in electrically conductive salt water optional) gold becomes magnetic to gold.

    Mix gold dust with quarts and vibrate at 20Hz while filtering gold rich water through the mixture and gold will accumulate quickly. The more gold in the mixture the faster it accumulates.

    Large gold and quarts deposits are found where lightning strikes the most.

    Possible use for monolithic ancient structures where gold rich civilizations have been found that coincides with why they are positioned around the earth on aligned positions in tune with the earth’s electromagnetic fields.

    Alchemists in the past tried many times to make gold because they thought the Egyptians could, but they were just using this technology to collect it as it would appear to grow when it was actually collecting together from microscopic particles.

    Piezoelectricity (/ˌpiːzoʊ-, ˌpiːtsoʊ-, paɪˌiːzoʊ-/, US: /piˌeɪzoʊ-, piˌeɪtsoʊ-/)[1] is the electric charge that accumulates in certain solid materials—such as crystals, certain ceramics, and biological matter such as bone, DNA, and various proteins—in response to applied mechanical stress.[2] The word piezoelectricity means electricity resulting from pressure and latent heat. It is derived from Ancient Greek πιέζω (piézō) 'to squeeze or press' and ἤλεκτρον (ḗlektron) 'amber' (an ancient source of static electricity).[3][4] The German form of the word (Piezoelektricität) was coined in 1881 by the German physicist Wilhelm Gottlieb Hankel; the English word was coined in 1883.[5][6]

    The piezoelectric effect results from the linear electromechanical interaction between the mechanical and electrical states in crystalline materials with no inversion symmetry.[7] The piezoelectric effect is a reversible process: materials exhibiting the piezoelectric effect also exhibit the reverse piezoelectric effect, the internal generation of a mechanical strain resulting from an applied electric field. For example, lead zirconate titanate crystals will generate measurable piezoelectricity when their static structure is deformed by about 0.1% of the original dimension. Conversely, those same crystals will change about 0.1% of their static dimension when an external electric field is applied. The inverse piezoelectric effect is used in the production of ultrasound waves.[8]
    French physicists Jacques and Pierre Curie discovered piezoelectricity in 1880.[9] The piezoelectric effect has been exploited in many useful applications, including the production and detection of sound, piezoelectric inkjet printing, generation of high voltage electricity, as a clock generator in electronic devices, in microbalances, to drive an ultrasonic nozzle, and in ultrafine focusing of optical assemblies. It forms the basis for scanning probe microscopes that resolve images at the scale of atoms. It is used in the pickups of some electronically amplified guitars and as triggers in most modern electronic drums.[10][11] The piezoelectric effect also finds everyday uses, such as generating sparks to ignite gas cooking and heating devices, torches, and cigarette lighters.

    The way many of the megalithic structures are built are similarly organic in comparison.

    They breathe or have specific parts in the design that includes air pressure intake and output fluctuations like lungs. They have in the design parts of the structure that includes water intake circulation and output.

    They use quarts or silicone which also produces piezoelectricity the same as DNA. They also distribute piezoelectricity throughout the structures like organisms have a Nero electro nervous system.

    Essentially many of these structures are designed to be alive operating much like a living organism.

    The various frequencies produced from friction, vibrations, air and water pressure creates cymatic frequency patterns for various purposes similar to the operating system of many types of plants and living micro organisms.

    Energy, elements, water and organic molecules are the ingredients for life.

    Data can be stored on quarts and DNA the same way as we store data on flash drives.

    Microsoft developed DNA hard drive in 2023.

    The use of this technology was referred to as witchcraft and we all know what happened to people who used it.

    The knowledge of using cymatics and Piezoelectricity has been suppressed.

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