
Amazing Hidden Old World Discoveries During Explorations Of Mexico 1700’s & 1800’s / Captain Dupaix

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We will be going over the amazing recorded explorations & discoveries of Mexico during the late 1700’s and early 1800’s.
Different explorations that found connections and evidence of Old world People or culture in Ancient Mexico.
One exploration by Captain Dupaix in Palenque , we will read what he discovered.
Reading from the scholarly Journal: “The Foreign Quarterly Review” Volume 18, 1837

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  1. All their gods.
    Were men We have pyramids in the grand Canyon 🎩🪶👑🪶🪶🪶🔥🐉🌊🌊 We have to talk about the Giants👑🎩🪶🪶🪶🪶☄️🌪🐢💎✌🏿

  2. Look most high says of course we become weaker stature as our fathers of old but u can't use ur little understanding to tell izrl that the pyramid builders wasn't Mexican ur the one who follows enemies names they call us but we the tribe of issachar well weaker then original but Mayan Aztec olmec Mexicans all issachar who is Joseph yup that's why issachar is half tribe manasseh and ephraim! Only could be half those tribes if ur the father Maury will tell u the same and only reason Egypt flourished was because Joseph who is issachar got sold to Egypt issachar out

  3. @Kurimeo Amazing video analysis, as usual! As a passionate forbidden archeology/ancient esoteric history enthusiast since 1995. At 4:10 there’s a pictograph of the renown “Winged Disk” aka “Faravahar” aka “Ahuramazda in the Winged Disk” (e.g. Ancient Persia, Zoroastrian). This symbol is also prominent in The Old Kingdom (Egypt) Horus wings, ancient Mesopotamia, The Levant.

  4. What now upsets me more than our hidden history?

    WEF has order the BURYING & PLANTING of trees of our most precious sites (Bright Insights has the documentation).

    Why? I speculate it has everything to do with the RESET to a one world, Authoritarian Governance. They're following the CLOWARD & PIVEN strategy.

    I assume its the same strategy as they did to north America when populating it. Way too many pre-1900 books give accounts of the old world & the theft of artifacts by the Smithsonian – as soon as discovered. The mounds are off-limits, as well as many sites became golf courses or over passes.


  5. They lived in stone cities THAT ARE STILL STANDING.! They got us living in these houses that won't last a 100 years. They teach us backwards lies because they are devolving us. I 🙏🏽we wake. America the truth old world

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