
All Your UFO / ALIENS Questions Answered in 13 Minutes | Jim Mars

All Your UFO – ALIENS Questions Answered in 13 Minutes | Jim Mars Explore the fascinating world of UFOs, UAPs, and aliens as …


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  1. Alien are smart it's like the gay movement they draw you in with out a vote or a decision because if you wait for a while it gets accepted but it will be suppressed after a while and we will destroy are selfs if it ain't right reason why AI ain't good because after so long A.i will get suppressed and turn his back on us the people creating robots is like summing demons in a metal body

  2. This man is telling the truth. Greed is behind everything that is negativity in humanity. War is lucrative, exploitation and enslavement is profitable. Anything involving money is greed driven modern day slavery starts with banks encouraging credit and debt. These oligarchs deliberately encourage large loans to keep you in debt to enslave you into working to pay back said debit. In the process you make bigger profits for your employer and share holders.

    If tech and free energy become free their whole system would collapse.

  3. but Curiosity rover sol 1065 are multiple images of a female. Mars was like Earth at one point. Just like Earth with people. I found her in the sol and then multiple ufos came to my residence. All types, long ones, round ones, bright ones , dark ones and evena rectangle with a pupil in it. yeh I know you don't believe me. They pretty much told me people will just think your crazy (most) and just dismiss it without checking it. But I don't care because I know it's real and so are they and it doesn't matter what anyone says or thinks. I just laugh….. like a crazy person? lol
    See a martian or not up to you have a good day.


  5. Because they could charge just as much for this new technology- so don’t they? Because it’s bigger and not as clear as he’s stating – a small handful of people- nonsense- it’s real- but it’s not as straightforward as he’s saying

  6. I met two aliens in 1984, a female on July 20 she was with me for two days I got some help from her, she had brown hair. Three months after a blond male who floated forward instead of walking like we do. Me, a friend and my 2 children were with me too. The Aliens from out there, would never harm us. They see us as family. I know it's sounds unbelievable but it's not, it's 100% real. I have seen many things that have to do with the extraterrestrial both outside and inside my home. Therefore have had an incredibly rich and wonderful life because of them. Greetings from Sweden.

  7. The aliens are the Gods of the past and they believe that they own the planet. Jupiter class God is over the United States Government and all of the extension of the Germanic tribespeople.

  8. I saw the United States Government's triangle shaped Antigravity craft on August 30th 2023. I was on Indiana highway 446 close to the Hoosier national Forest sign heading back from fishing at Lake Monroe. The craft when I saw it was traveling from west to east. At first I thought it was a helicopter searching for someone in the forest and it came into view and I tried to realize what I was looking at in amazement. It was huge about the size of half a football field and the light it was putting off was light lights of the city as I drove under it. The lights on it were in the corners and center were crisp white with a blue hue. It had red and green navigation lights and strobe lights and a spot light close to the center. It was painted gray with the access panels highlighted lighter gray. The panels were like the ones on the new stealth bomber design. It also had nose cones in the corners. The sides were rolled and not sharp like an air cutting edge. The way it moved in the sky was like it slid over the treetops and it didn't shake a leaf on the trees. It moved steadily with a slight rotation northward without changing direction. I believe it was built by Northrop Grumman facilities… Most of the sights I have heard of are in direct pathways of their facilities and it resembled it's design aspects as other crafts that they built

  9. Thats wrongly put question with a lot of assumptions and suggestions.

    We the true humans must simply see whats going on around us. Thats for a star. All things are not what most think they are.

  10. Some things you have right, but God, all powerful the creator of the heavens in the Earth, give us the inspired word of God his word they gave us Genesis and we evolve if you want to say it that way everyone thinks these aliens come from a place far far away. Well if you read the Bible, it will tell you about a war in heaven where God threw down Lucifer was his name before his fall and Lucifer had a third of the angels follow him now who knows how many that could be they’ve been on this earth for many hundreds of years the watcher that was supposed to watch over the people saw the women were beautiful. They disobey God and they come out of their place and went to the daughters of man and their offspring grew into Giants and they roam the Earth for many years they were seen by many people, Moses, sending out spies to check out a city where they might could live they came back and told him that they were Giants in the land, but our bloodline got so contaminated God destroyed the Earth with the flood before the flood there was no rain the garden the Earth was watered by a mist but after the flood, the axes of this planet tilted gave us seasons, and the polls froze up. Most people will not read the Bible and put together what we know to be fax that has been told in the Bible now we’re getting close to the way, it was in the days of Noah, which Jesus told his disciples those would be some of the signs of his coming so I believe if there was other life in this universe, it would be so far away nothing could reach it. Realize Lightyear The star Beetlejuice is about 700 light years from earth traveling at the speed of light how long would it take you to get there? Think about it something else to think about it was told in the Bible that the Euphrates river would dry up and it is drying up. It was one of the great rivers that, flowed through the garden of Eden in these beings are more than likely the remnants of the angels that was cast out of heaven along with Lucifer, and they have been doing everything in there power to destroy man they more than likely do not have the power they had when they were in the realm they come from but I’m pretty sure they were very intelligent. They needed to be able to travel and they have been seen for millennium because that’s how long they’ve been here these entities were cast out of heaven because they were evil and they must not be dealt with whatsoever, and I have her tail that one of our presidents made some kind of deal with these entities, but not knowing what they truly were only job is to torment and destroy man and as many as they can before the return of our KING!!! But don’t take my word. It’s all been written down in the holy Bible may God bless our all of us

  11. Aliens are inter dimensional beings from the demonic realm. They quite likely have corrupted human dna and have walked among humans long ago. They don’t have good intentions for mankind

  12. this is also the man who has investigated the j.f.k. assassination and knows it better than anyone else. he literally wrote the book and was a first class journalist when we still had such a thing , he's from Texas and just graduated when the jfk assassination happened ., he literally wrote the book.

  13. Think of it like this:
    How useful would it be for a person to give a gorilla the latest and greatest VR goggles? They wouldn't know what to do with it, probably couldn't be trained to use it, and would just end up breaking it. Well, what about a big knife? Maybe the latest and greatest sharpest longest lasting rust proof knife available. The gorilla could figure it out, but guess what, they will end up using it for violence.

    This is kind of how humans are at present. Our society is just not advanced enough to handle the advanced tech without using it for violence, in our case, killing each other. Sure, some will use it to better society, but it may end up being the end of humans depending on how advanced it is. It would be wasteful and dangerous to "give us" access to the advanced stuff they have, but some of the lesser advanced stuff, maybe, but we have a lot to change with society.

    I also do believe they can and do directly influence human progression. I have a suspicion they have kept us from destroying ourselves on more than a few occasions. They also seen to do more subtle influence on individuals which ends up having a ripple effect.

    As for abductions, I believe most of them that are genuine are basically akin to how humans abduct animals to take samples and measurements and such then release back into the wild. Basically to find out more about humans and maybe they focus on certain humans for some reason we aren't aware of such as genetic mutations or something.

  14. aliens abduct humans and try to make human alien hybrids because there is a part of humanity that they lack. they dont take us over blatantly because our population grows better while free than while not. not that the population is dying i think its very likely that they do try to take us over. aliens and the paranormal are evil. whether you call it demonic or malicious its all the same. every alien phenomena has always ended up with negative effects. they convince many that they are benevolent in order to keep us pacified. they are evil and not to be trusted.

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