
ALIEN Timeline Explained

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  1. i skipped the part with the game cuz eve after all this time …I'm sad ti sya that I haven't finished it so I don't want any spoilers, lol
    also I think these summarization of alien 3 is taken from the theatrical version and not the directors/unrated version cuz the first alien that the prison colonycomes in contact with is bursted from a dog not an ox/bison….
    but same difference I guess, lol
    other than that,…
    keep up the great work!!!!

  2. I have a one take for you do all all the alien movies including the predator movies that can be a tight video for you to do might take a while but not with spoilers just what it feels. They need to cover before alien Romulus so yeah, I’m gonna go and see it if feel free to do one take timeline video on all the alien movies and I mean Aliens and predators with the prey and aliens VS predators yeah I like to see to do that. See how they can be interconnected because of the art interconnected. Maybe you can do it and you can do it so feel free to take this as a video idea and oh don’t forget to add aliens awakening to it , so I know where that one will wind up with the other than that that’s all I wanna say for now I hope you get a chance on the aliens the predator movies altogether so other than that I hope that you take this video as a request

  3. It's worse than a timeline for star wars – which to most of us, Star wars now looks vagulely like:… crap prequel, crap prequel, more crap, Kind of ok prequel (Rogue one"). Then, GOLD. GOLD. ,GOLD. Then, Meh, Meh, Again meh.
    Then we get the fabulous "Skywalker saga": Franchise nuked. Then nuked again, and nuked a third time.
    Not satisfied with the immolation of the franchise, Kathleen Kennedy then promises to double down yet again on the franchise nuking, sounding vaguely like "a threat", as if the corpse were not already dead, buried and nearly forgotten.

  4. This is a great video! You all sound like bots and losers in this comment section. You can’t even think for yourselves and you trash the prequels when it’s some of the best parts of the series. You purposefully misinterpret the lore so you can disregard parts of the franchise that didn’t fit into your little bubble.

  5. If you want to know what I think about the whole entire timeline, I have not played the full video yet, but I thought I’d say this here now alien Romulus is going to take place in between the first alien movie and the sequel to that one so it’ll be Aliens marines take place before the third film but according to what you’re about to do here it would have to be this alien alien Romulus, and then aliens 2 Marines and so on and so forth right exactly but you have to take the consideration of actually doing I’ll fall on video on what I believe will be can leave so called that the films movies, the aliens and the predator movies because they still believe that Arnold Schwarzenegger and his predator movie is considered because sequel and the other movies that interconnected was one another and might wanna leave out the Blade Runner movies because they can to this timeline or your timeline or mine. I’m about to give you right here now I’m going to pray or pray I don’t pray so. to God either so according to me, I think the tow will be this

    Pray predator
    Alien covenant
    Aliens Awakening
    Predator 2
    Alien Romulus
    Aliens 2 Marines
    Al 3 Ripley death
    Aliens, resurrection
    The predators
    Aliens VS predator
    Aliens VS predator 2 Requiem
    Aliens VS predator 3 clone of Ripley

    So now that you have what I think about the timeline is going to be if so, I would like to know what you think of it by doing video like a video with bunch of spoilers and shit. I hope you get a chance to turn my video in request For video that you can do is worthy the predator movies and the movies is going to work out or like alien predator movies should work out as but however, it was not too much to ask for a video like that. Just tell us how things is how maybe the movie a predator movie maybe that is in between Prometheus and alien covenant if so, why maybe it is just a theory of mine or a to be has an answer and I told Linda Moulton Howell that can be theories and theories can be answers Because I am not saying that choose to believe that, I don’t know I have not the movie itself as pray or something like that because it would not hurt to see why, but according to this video, I’m not sure anime movies of the overall Taiwan because you can’t just say alien and aliens then alien 3 and conclusion from alien resurrection is just don’t make sense. If you leave out the other movies too with aliens and predator movies should not be excluded from this list and it should not be pushed on somebody’s throw by saying that they’re not canon to one another. I need to find out for certain because I don’t have the pray the prequel to the predator movies. I don’t even have that one. It also includes aliens awakening and without there, I think it is about how they got the queen the movie Prometheus we do know how we got the Deacon, but the word Deacon means the first keen of morph or just the king of the Zamor also could me the first allomorph or the digging can also just means the first exam morph just like being the alien king kind of, but I am giving you a video idea and a request for a video that just a fall on spoilers over to an hour or so that’s not what I’m asking for you. Take this as a video idea and as me asking for a request video, would it not be as bad so we do know that there was a rumor going on saying that there might be another alien VS predator third film image true is coming out then we need Sigourney Weaver to return as Ripley but as the clone of Alan Ripley and she defeats the queen or not defeats the queen and say your majesty, let’s go home. I am out here.

    Hi Misty, please don’t kill me. I want to take you home to LV 426 planet let’s go because I am an alien like you. I am a clone of Ellen Ripley. You must stay alive and we must get you home.

    So it calls for terminology I’m just saying that as what if yeah I just see someone in here about this and I hope that you can take this as a video idea and request for a timeline that is going to be a movie known as aliens Reus So maybe that one is big going to be taking place after alien awakening or something like that so it’s up Siri if it is it should take place with them with these so-called alien and the Yasha to whatever I’m just seeing this as what for movie so hopefully that you can turn into a video if you want because I would like to hear what your theory is according to my Tom I wanna know what you think about my timeline. I have given you because it said if it was 10 years gap in between Prometheus and alien covenant, then I would say the would have to be there in between Prometheus and alien covenant because there’s a 10 years gap in there so maybe that is where that might fit then all the will fall suit and maybe bring David back to up with her and this time around they would bring the queen back where he tells Ellen Ripley, the clone that she is an alien of her original body so maybe this can be a movie not a crossover but a story but as it conclusion he brings the queen back with her and takes her with this time around that will be a bit more different because he’s going to bring not just handful of people underneath. He’s gonna win a whole tire Connie oh ships to colonize that pla and that’s not called LV for 26. What do we call it planet Leviathan name that that would be something to be a part of but if you want this to mean, I’m fine with it. I just hope that you just take my advice and request for a different video is not as long as others, put them out to me, but you take it as it is. I hope that it gets a chance to do that kind of a video idea or just say idea for a video who cares what he told you about scenes about these movies then you are your obligation to do so , best to your ability but not fall plot on spoilers, but with the idea of you telling us of what is the timeline give you a timeline to your satisfaction so you can check it out for yourself and actually look at my timeline. Maybe we can do it

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