
ALIEN: EARTH Teaser (2025)

ALIEN: EARTH Teaser (2025) New Alien Series
© 2024 – FX


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  1. If this follows alien earth wars comics it could be truely fucking amazing but my money is on them trying to be trendy hipsters and basing it on a lesbian barber taking out hundreds of corrupt uscm soldiers single-handedly while also destroying the wayland yutani patriarchy ending with the xenomorph being set free on the moon and somehow solving global warming then the men in black show up and wipe everyone’s memories which allows them to base this before the first alien movie.

  2. This doesn't make sense to me, aren't the only 2 planets with the face hugger pods are on the ones that David was on? and it seems like David bred them on the ship from covenant 🤷🏼‍♀️ I'm not excited about this, but I'll give it a try

  3. I've been quietly hoping for a Dead Space or Gears of War TV series for yeeeears. But the the way TV shows are now a days. I take it all back, Disney and Co just destroying people's childhoods in 8 45 minute episodes 😂😂

  4. This has been in production since before Romulus. I've been excited for a long time to see what Noah Hawley's gonna do with this!
    Fargo is one of my all time favourite series ( better than movie imo) and I also enjoyed Legion, particularly season 1.

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