
AI NEWS : MicrosoftS New AI ROBOT, Open AI Sued AGAIN! Github Copilot, Claude 3 Updates

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00:08 Open AI Sued
05:02 Claude 3
07:14 Future Of AI Chatbots
12:43 GPT2
14:13 NIST Frameworks
18:02 Microsft Robot
21:09 Demis Hasbis On AGI
26:14 Chinas New Humanoid Robot
27:09 Github Copilot

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  1. Those newspapers try to get money from OpenAI because they fail at gaining it themselves and how they try to sue them is embarrassing for them. I once thought that the NYT was a good newspaper, now I am not that sure anymore. It is somehow ironic, back in the days the newspapers were the bad people, now that changed and they do the same thing…
    I really like AI sanctuary, I mean, at least from what I've seen and the appearance of the robot is more aesthetic to me than most, beside Optimus. Unfortunately people started to claim it was all teleoperated and honestly, yes, maybe they trained them like that, but I think the videos of the robots were not teleoperated but autonomous because you could hear them asking them to do certain tasks…it is quite annoying how people always scream "that is just teleoperated"…🙄 honestly… I could scream at them, that they just keep repeating some things they've heard from other people…

  2. 5:14 Ever since they updated Claude I noticed that it chats shit and just makes stuff up when it doesn't know the answer. It's happened to me about three times in the last two days. Bonkers. Do not rely on it for factual information as it knowingly produces garbage as a space filler.

  3. Everything is a possible weapon of mass destruction, so therefore, everything to be known to man must have governance approval? The enforcement of ignorance is the control of the government? With AI, this is literally what is being recommended here. We say we fear AI, and yet AI is being constructed to be deceitful and withhold knowledge from the public. One might think that this suggests that such an astonishing contradictory philosophy should be openly discussed in broader terms. Why isn't this being openly discussed? I hope you are carefully listening to this NIST conversation Mr. Elon Musk.

  4. Ethical Implications: How do you think the lawsuit impacts the development and deployment of AI technologies? What ethical considerations should be taken into account?

    Media Responsibility: How can news outlets strike a balance between reporting on AI advancements and potential risks without causing unnecessary panic or misinformation?

    Collaboration vs. Competition: In cases like this, where two major players in the tech industry are involved, how can collaboration be fostered while still maintaining healthy competition?

    Transparency: What role does transparency play in AI research and development? How can organizations ensure transparency while protecting intellectual property?

    Legal Precedent: Could this lawsuit set a precedent for future legal battles related to AI technologies? What implications might it have for other companies and research institutions?

  5. The Billion Dollar question, Google scrapes and indexes the web for search even holding local copies of every image. That's OK. Can they now be sued for training on the same data which they have been allowed to collect? Remember how Microsoft won the UI lawsuit against Apple. They clearly copied Apple, but they had permission to use the UI for word and excel for Mac.

  6. The entire lawsuit think is totally stupid.
    American law does not apply on the entire world and nobody is going to care about what American judge is giving judgement on.
    The internet is open for the entire world and not just America.
    On top of that internet based companies don't even pay taxes in any of the orher countries so obviously they have no reason to accpet intellectual property rights. 😂😂😂

  7. Learning Enigma is the adaptive way to outsmart humans. I am happy this is a Talent War. That makes this subsequential.

    However, the origins of AI can be traced back to World War II, where the development of the Enigma Machine by the Germans and the subsequent efforts to break its code by the Allies played a crucial role in the development of modern computing and AI.

  8. The biggest risk with AI is not to much information, it is social hacking. Or in other words manipulating, brainwashing or just misinformations memes like flat earth and unlimited genders.

  9. I can't believe that so many people are siding with AI on issues , as if that computer software was somehow benefits mankind. The very fact that Bill Gates is behind ChatGPT is scary enough. They forget how Bill Gates used Windows to destroy all competitions until it controlled more than 90 percent of the computer landscape. I'm old enough to remember how the Canadian company Corel with its flagship word processoor Word perfect and graphic processor Corel Draw were the only player in the market until Microsoft decided to use Windows to force its own Microsord Word unto the landscape and eventually force Corel out of business.

  10. Gpt 4 and later on models will not provide such results which the agency deems to be potentially harmful, But any interested or motivated person will get the information nonetheless, there is also a challenge of making a fine distinction between doing research for building a tool or weapon (any tool can be weaponized too), what if military agencies from different countries train their own model just to assist them in doing all types of unfiltered research in all types of domains that will further lead them to build far superior technology than american people?
    The problems and concerns still persists…
    We need to change the underlying social structure (Uniting all countries into one nation) so that we all can enjoy the benefits of AI towards building a utopian world than staying stressed out or paranoid about what "other" people might do, and than try to curtail the power from the hands of the people.
    I am more interested in building AI that does all the research work itself and than works with us to test the best possible new inventions.

  11. I dont understand your traffic graphs. Character AI is OpenAi GPT model. So all the traffic to character Ai is essentialy OpenAi traffic in a sense… or am i thinking wrong?

  12. GREAT content, as always. One easy change I’d suggest for all your vids is to add a small closure at the end. Really hate it when it ends abruptly! Seems like it was cut short, failed the playback or goes into an add or something like that. Closure and opening, short and simple goes a long way.

  13. Newspapers and TV news networks have become so accustomed to telling outrageous lies, that they don't even cover their tracks in these lawsuits. It is a comedy!

  14. why don't they have gpt 4 checks it's outputs for biological,chemical or neuclar weapons and hacking output sentences ? then have it refuse to display them. it could be done using keywords to evaluate the output for dangerous that could be used to harm somebody. you could also encrypt output and allow gpt-4 to only see it. then only decypher it and show it if it is harmless. it might already exist.

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