
A Moth Has Chewed My Sudoku [Updated Version]

[The rules got muddled up in the first version of this video so we’ve uploaded a revised version. The algorithm tends to punish videos that we release outside of our normal schedule so we’d be grateful for all the “Likes” and kind comments you can give this one!]

Michael Lefkowitz has done it again with a brilliant and witty new sudoku in which moths have chewed away bits of the grid. There’s lots of fresh logic here and a moderate difficulty rating – do have a go!!

Play the puzzle at the link below:

Place one or more digits from 1-9 in every cell so that each digit appears exactly once in every row, column, and 3×3 box. All the digits in the cell(s) touching each V sum to 5. White dots always separate a pair of adjacent digits (but there can also be additional digits in the separated cells).

A bonus sudoku pack was released on Patreon this week of 5 fog of war sudokus to celebrate the arrival of spring (in the Northern hemisphere) from Sandra & Nala. It’s completely free – just click our Patreon link below.

Other treats on Patreon include:
– the new James Bond sudoku hunt competition;
– Simon’s latest forays into the world of Islands Of Insight;
– Mark’s video looking at the new OneUp puzzle from Rodolfo Kurchan;
– his solve of Region Geometry by Emre Kolotoğlu (3hr 36min long…!);
– and Mark’s latest solve of The Times Club Monthly cryptic crossword


Check out this link for the kickstarter books and Fog Novella we’ve created over the years:


▶ SUDOKU PAD – Use Our Software For Your Puzzles ◀

You can input classic sudoku puzzles into our software and help support Sven, the programmer responsible for the wonderful user interface we all use to play these puzzles everyday. The app also comes with 12 handmade puzzles from us:


Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1706870/Svens_SudokuPad/


ALSO on Amazon: Search for “SudokuPad”

▶ Contents Of This Video ◀

0:00 Theme music & puzzle intro
1:17 New crossword video
1:30 Revisiting yesterday’s Jay Dyer sudoku
5:20 New Dungeons & Diagrams sudoku!!
7:36 Happy Birthdays
10:28 Rules
13:50 Start of Solve: Let’s Get Cracking

▶ Contact Us ◀

Twitter: @Cracking The Cryptic
email: crackingthecryptic@gmail.com

Our PO Box address:

Simon Anthony & Mark Goodliffe
Box 102
56 Gloucester Road

(Please note to use our real names rather than ‘Cracking The Cryptic’.)






Twitter: @crypticcracking
Instagram (for how to solve daily clues from The Times): https://www.instagram.com/crackingthecryptic/?hl=en
We also post the Wordle In A Minute videos on TikTok.


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  1. 27:53
    A really fun and exceptionally well executed idea. These innovation stretch, bend, and thoroughly break any "normal" concepts of pencil-markings too, giving extra workout to the brain.

  2. Very nice puzzle (and I only noticed it because it was visible in next day's puzzle, which really confused me, because those rules didn't quite fit to this grid).
    97:03 for me, solve counter 3110.

  3. Although other work in box 7 prevented this, the circle of white dots did not have to have a 5-digit sequence in and of itself. For example, the cells could have been two overlapping 3-digit sequences, such as 67-8-94-5, or a 4-cell and a 2-cell, such as 49-8-7-65. When the V in that box had not been determined to be a 23 pair, the white dot sequence could have been 26-7-8-93, which means that Simon's thought (at that time) that a 5 had to be on the loop was incorrect. Fortunately he wasn't certain, and so didn't act on it at that time.

  4. Woah! You got a sudoku from the creator of "Can of Wormholes"? That's awesome! I think it's a game you two should stream at some point. You'd find it beautiful!

  5. One slight logic error in the analysis of the ring of cells in box 7. Until you work out there is one one multiple cell, it would be possible to have, for example (2,6), 7, 8,. (3,9) round it so it didn't need a 5.

  6. Awesome yet weird thing happened! I paused the video before the solve to try it on my own and I used the EXACT SAME colors as Simon to indicate single digit cells and multiple digit cells. How?! Was I the only one?

  7. it struck me while watching the solve that it would have worked well to use corner marks for the final values of the over-stuffed cells. a single corner mark already means that digit must go in the given cell, and it would have left center marks free to unambiguously encode remaining possibilities as usual.

    but that is typical of me. obsessing over notation while simon is off making big and interesting deductive leaps!

  8. 27:52, but I had to watch the first few minutes of the solve to figure out how to even get started. Had a moment mid-solve where I realized I'd broken uniqueness but then realized I'd made a simply transposition error that restored uniqueness.

  9. Very neat puzzle, I hope it becomes a genre of its own. Also it worked out in this puzzle, but I don't think that a box of 4 white dots has to be a 5-long sequence in a moth-eaten sudoku. You could do something like [2] [37] [6] [51].

  10. Definitely an interesting concept. Once I got my head wrapped around the basic logic of this new variant it seemed to flow fairly smoothly. 39:49 solve time for me.

  11. I'd have to stare a bit longer, but at the time Simon said the 4 dots need to be a run of 5 digits I think the possibility of two runs of 3 digits was still on the table (though quickly dismissed with other logic). What I mean is he was presuming you'd have something like what he ended up with (48, 5, 6, 7) but he hadn't ruled out something like (4, 5, 67, 8, 9) [Note: this also contains of run of 5, but all of his audible examples had the double digit square connect the ends of the run, not the middle … so what he said it still technically true]

  12. Great puzzle and a pleasure watching you find the joy and show it to us, as usual for you and Mark, Simon. One interesting possibility that you may not have noticed because it didn't appear in this puzzle is about the ring of white dots. Before you knew how many digits were in each cell, there was a possibility that it was not a five-digit sequence; it could've been a four-digit sequence with a two-digit sequence overlapping in one domino, or two three-digit sequences overlapping at the corners such as a four and a seven in one cell leading around the ring in opposite directions to a six and a nine in one cell opposite!

  13. I really liked the use of letters as placeholders, but it would have been so much easier to just replace letters with digits as they became clear – so AB would become 2B and ABCD 5BCD or whatever

  14. Really enjoyed this puzzle, not too hard, just the right level for me.Haven't watched the video yet, but I colored everything that had to be normal green, and then went to yellow, orange, red for cells that had to have more digits and like that it was colored pretty quickly

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