
A Drone’s Eerie Discovery In The Canyon: What No One Was Supposed To See!

A Drone’s Eerie Discovery In The Canyon: What No One Was Supposed To See!
From the highest peaks of the world to the deepest oceans, drones have allowed us to explore and connect with the world around us in profound ways. The stunning images captured by drones are not just beautiful pictures but also stories about life, nature, and people across the planet.
Thanks to drones, humans have discovered the stunningly pink Hillier Lake, an ancient tribe deep in the Amazon rainforest, and secrets from World War II like Hitler’s underground bunkers. Drones have also been crucial in rescue missions, uncovering the hidden room behind the famous Mount Rushmore.
Let’s explore 22 strange drone discoveries that we were never supposed to see!


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  1. The pink lake….i don’t believe it was recently discovered by a drone. I saw a video of this pink lake and an explanation of the algae several years ago. Still very interesting….just nod newly discovered by drones.

  2. The drone is described, albiet an inexact one, in St. Johns Revelations! He had no conception of engines, propellers nor any other modern, but he visualised a thing that was to come! amazing, i wonder how we would have done in the same circumstance!!

  3. #21, Explorers do those people no favor by exposing them. The past should be remembered, when white explorers encountered Native American Tribes. The explorers unwittingly introduced diseases to these people- like Small Pox, Cholera, and wiped out many people. The same can happen in the Rainforest.

  4. Click Bait. The image in the feed shows an atrocity? Human bodies hanging from a rope? But not one word about it in the video. It feels like they used an AI, told it to make a video about a subject and then hit the enter buttion and walked away. A cheap way for Discovery Quest to make a quick buck for very little work. The AI can not even pronounce many words correctly. 👎👎👎

  5. Since God made Adam & Nimrod rebelled , humans have had highly organized society in villages or nomadic tents. God called a people & highly organized them after He slew there slaving enemies, hence Lord Jesus is coming back very soon! Watch & pray.🙏🐏🐑🙏

  6. The blue eye of the Saharah is actually the remains of the city of Atlantis. This has been well confirmed. I am sure the producer knows that. But they hate to show that Atlantis was located in Black Africa.

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