
Researchers Discovered A Megalithic Structure Carved From Stone Humans Could Never Build

Researchers Discovered A Megalithic Structure Carved From Stone Humans Could Never Build Subscribe To Life’s Biggest …


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  1. The Richat Structure has evidence that a great flood has washed the surface materials away and that at one time it was at near sea level unlike today. This puts all of the geology and archeology at fault as the evidence and clues they collect are what remains on the surface and has not addressed the large amounts of salt deposits amongst the structure. If you look to the south west on google earth you can see the large amount of material was laid down like a ramp were the flood waters would have drained into the sea. Then there are the massive ripples like on the beach as the water runs back to the ocean. The area around eastern Washington and Oregon where it is thought a great glacier dam broke and a massive flood washed out the area has these same type of ripples only not as big.

  2. The worst thing about extraterrestrials is first of all we have never found any evidence of even microbes or DNA from or on other planets let alone make a jump to extraterrestrials. While there is plenty of evidence of millions of life form to have existed on earth and became extinct or came into being. And of the vast amount of time that has gone by of the 4.5 billion years that could completely erase a civilisations and all it technology. So to claim extra-terrestrials to me is just idiotic and a lack of understanding the evidence that is available and possibly hidden from us. The UAP's we have witnessed and the whistle blowers responses do not tell of extraterrestrials rather they point is usually made to claim the lack of evidence towards extraterrestrials amongst all of the other evidence they proposes they have witnessed.

  3. Its not embedded – as the general public are getting wise to their guess work – assumptions – which are looking more x more ludicrous and are obviously in many cases wrong !!! Closed minds lead nowhere – progress is never made – truth not found,by those with closed minds.

  4. “Levers and pulleys”? Give us an fn break already. Copper chisels to carve andesite? One of the hardest stones cut by the softest metals? Same nonsense spouted about Giza. When will’academia’ finally admit that these theories are idiotic and impossible? Cultures have risen and fallen far more advanced than ours, on a timeline beyond our puny knowledge. It’s the arrogance of these fools that irritates me

  5. Civilization depends on their knowledge of natural resources. The ancients knew best about stone, so everything the built using stones. Then we added our knowledge about iron. Then, charcoal and crude oil were used.Modern era added silicon to create something. Today, we know about lithium, and we progress using lithium for our cars.

  6. There is way too much info on ancient civilizations having advanced technology in many areas. That doesn't mean they were flying around in airplanes or anything like that. It does mean that there is a lost bunch of knowledge in man's past that has been lost to us. I fully agree with Hancock on this. Just look at the machining that was done at Giza, that is indisputable. Those aren't achievable by hand. I know this because I was a machinist for about 30 years of my life, and I know what can be accomplished by hand or machine.

  7. humans……can do everything they have done…..Humans were bigger in size and very smart,,,,,,due to the closeness to perfection from Adam …sadly even Demons gave humans techs that should not have been passed to them.

  8. Look at the minute, intricate carvings on VERY HARD GRANITE in the temples of southern India. Hundreds of them all over the countryside. Can't be done even with the most advanced modern machinery. If you are someone who is watching this, it automatically means that south Indian temples are what you need to see before you die.

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