
‘Blind Spots’ by Dr. Marty Makary: Book Review – Fake Medical Science Explained

‘Blind Spots’ by Dr. Marty Makary: Book Review – Fake Medical Science Explained

Dr. Marty Makary is the famous Johns Hopkins surgeon, researcher and best-selling author. His newest book ‘Blink Spots’ is a brave summary of medical dogma or what could also be called Fake Medical Science.

Dr. Makary gives many examples of where 1) medical recommendations were not based in science (e.g. avoiding peanuts in children less than 3 years old), 2) study results that were presented as true when in fact they were insignificant (e.g. hormone replacement therapy increases the risk of breast cancer) and 3) study results were suppressed because the researchers did not like the results (e.g. dietary cholesterol and heart disease)

Dr. Makary also gives solutions to Fake Science ranging from applying the Court System… to doctors having the humility to inform patients when decisions are based on educated guesses rather than scientific evidence.

Medical recommendations not based in science, but rather masquerading as science are hugely problematic blind spots in healthcare. Dr. Makary has done us all a great service by pointing out these blind spots.

‘Blind Spots’ by Dr. Marty Makary. Find book HERE:

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💥 BOOK: Check out Dr. Bricker’s Book 16 Lessons in the Business of Healing here:

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  2. I had little regard for the medical community prior to doing 13 years of medical transcription, and that regard went a lot lower due to the job of transcribing. Man, the pills doctors were handing out like candy! I have much higher regard for the teachings of the Hallelujah Diet, a program in existence for many years now by people constantly researching the connection between diet (and lifestyle) and disease. One source they refer to is The China Project (or the China Study…one of the two is the full study, the other a shorter synopsis). It's considered the most comprehensive study ever performed to link diet with disease. One thing I found interesting is the claim that the LDL cholesterol is dangerous and needs to be reduced/removed. The Hallelujah Diet teachings say that the LDL actually shows up when there is some heart damage going on, but that the LDL is actually there to help repair that damage. I guess I can't prove that to be true, but I do know they're so right about so many things, way more things than any doctor I've had any kind of contact with (and that's many due to those 13 years of doing medical transcription (a horrible job, by the way, that pays very little, esp. for how difficult the job is)…totally ruined my finances leading up to retirement even tho I worked the last 4 years on the graveyard shift, over 10 hrs. per night, and did not take so much as even one night off! I'm a wee bit of a ding dong now, as a result. Don't ever try that!! Anyway, I tell people, that if you want to do just one thing in your life to make a HUGE difference in your health, get a juicer (not a blender or processor, but a true juicer that separates the juice from the fiber) and drink as much fresh carrot juice as you can. It's why I had NO FEAR of Covid even tho, at age 69, I was cleaning huge apartment buildings here in the apt. complex where I live…and this was during the worst of the outbreak. Living in S. Dakota, I changed NOTHING about my lifestyle…no ridiculous mask wearing, no sheltering at home and avoiding people, etc., no vaccinating…and, of course, have never done a flue shot. Never got Covid, never get the flu and and can't remember the last cold I had…has to have been over 10 years ago. Carrot juice is the most powerful part of the Hallelujah Diet, BUT I have to warn everyone…if you Google it, you'll probably see a link to "Quackwatch." Ignore it. People, instead of trying the program, so often automatically just disparage it right away cuz it they were to consider there may be something to the program, it would involve making some hard choices when it comes to diet, etc., and it's much easier to put the program down than to give the program a try. Oh, as a side note…know what I figured out by doing all those years of transcribing? You know why most doctors scribble the name of the medication when writing out the prescription? Cuz they don't no how to pronounce the medication's name, and they don't know how to spell it, but they don't want anyone else to know it. (Hey, but no offense to you, doc…you sound pretty sharp!)

  3. Very interesting video, Dr. Bricker. So, if cholesterol and saturated fat causing heart disease was debunked decades ago, why are the insurance companies, government agencies and health care organizations still pushing statin use even with the high incidence of negative side effects?

  4. The US Surgeon General and federal gov officials are promoting PSA's to residents to utilize the updated COVID vaccine for the Winter 2024 flu season. FL medical director is advising FL residents to refuse the jab. I experienced a serious GI side effect with the first vaccine. I need to ask my PCP (1) Is there a non mRNA vaccine available to the general public that I can try, and (2) does she recommend me taking the updated vaccine. It is very difficult for patients to make a decision when federal medical directors and state medical directors are stating conflcting recommendations, both with documentation to support their recommendation. It sounds like we need a study to resolve these differences in opinion. Thank you very much for reviewing the book and providing additional commentary.

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