
The Parents Who ‘Cured’ Autism

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  1. Know the facts and stay informed on breaking news by subscribing through my link to get 40% off their unlimited access Vantage plan this month.

    Phew! Can’t believe I’m finally posting this.

    I honestly, feel a bit silly for putting so much time into this (about 100 hours now 😂😭) – it probably doesn’t deserve such an in-depth unpacking…but it also didn’t deserve a headline in the Telegraph, so here we are!

    The more I dug, the more ridiculous it seemed. Grab a snack and your crocheting for this one!

    If you missed my recent video about that TikTok professor… The Psychology Professor Challenging Autistic Influencers:

    Thank you so much for being here and see you soon 💛 This will be one of the last videos with this background 😭

  2. For some reason(it mightve been because nobody at home called out my behaviors until i was older) I never had to or even learned to mask- hell, I was diagnosed just because I was curious- I honestly don't know how it was possible, but it happened,

  3. The new saying of autism being able to be cured is just eugenics. People who think that curing autism would be a good thing and are promoting it as such are trying to say that they don't want autistic people in the gene pool.

    I may be level one autistic and it's pretty hard for most people to tell that I am but honestly if there was a magic pill that took away my autism I probably wouldn't take it.

    I don't want to lose my autism I enjoy it what I don't enjoy is the fact that autism acceptance isn't very popular and it leads to people treating me like a dick and I'm absolutely not cool with that but if people would just treat autistic folks with basic human decency and dignity that would be fucking awesome and I think we can all agree to that.

    Do I want to lose my level 1 autism? absolutely not. do I want people to treat me a lot better the spite of my level one autism? absolutely

  4. Even if say this was an actual study that found something that had some effect in a group of people, even if done somewhat properly. The simple facct they would have used 32 variables even with a control groupm the study would be just as trash because when you use that many variables SOMETHING will give you a value that is statistically significant just by pure chance.

  5. Ok Ok Ok, lets say this does work. Unless I am misunderstanding them with these diets. Even if the diet did "stop" autism symptoms once that person isn't on the diet they will revert? Sooo that's like saying a person with high blood pressure that's taking meds doesn't have high BP…it's just regulated with meds? Once they are off it it most likely will come back. Or any chronic thing or disability in general. Once those people go off this extreme diet they will just errr ~become?~ autistic again? So it is not curing anything just deluding symptoms…

  6. So conclusion; diagnosis questionable (as in support needs), girls likely had gluten intolerances but didn’t know how to communicate that, girls are now better at masking and in 18 years are likely to go no contact with their parents (along with business autism ‘curer’s’ child and Reid’s daughter)…

    That ABA thing made me feel so uncomfortable just hearing about it. I felt your anger throughout the video and rightly so.

  7. Angry Sim earring is totally warranted. Thanks for looking up more info about the people involved and adding context. The sources and creators of this "study" are so unreliable that it's obvious it's has no scientific standing to everybody who isn't just looking for someone saying what they want to hear (that they can "cure" their autistic kid.) I think you hit the nail on the head with how these people are exploiting parents who believe their child is "injured" or ill and needs to be fixed.

  8. I've done this with my adhd most of my social external way I've present i focused on controlling constant thinking about everything I do it wasn't easy but didn't fix my forgetting things my difficultly hearing people when lots of people are talking ect. But yes i listened more than talking controlled my wanting to move all of the time forced myself to stay present when talking with people.

  9. What if the rate of autism diagnosis is increasing not only because we are getting better at diagnosing but because we are genetically spreading autism, the prevalence of the autistic condition is actually increasing.

    In such case as myself, I believe both my parents hold markers and are on the spectrum but as those markers come together they multiply in intensity as they manifest in me.

    Along with that thought I wonder, can we breed autism out of the population? What would that look like? Is there a perfect genetic partner for me that will produce offspring which will not continue the autistic part of the bloodline?

  10. Of course environmental factors will affect how one functions with Autism. Symptoms may reduce and functioning will be higher but it does not cure anything. I do back ABA but never in my life will I say that it will cure anyone. Just with neurotypical people vitamins and healthy food will boost brain function and mood. I’m so annoyed right now.

  11. I'm often amazed (as well as frustrated) by what some people are prepared to believe, especially when ignoring the fact the only people who will benefit are the ones making money from so-called "cures"!

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