
The 5 Most Mysterious Ancient Sites


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  1. Stonehenge, Nasca Lines, have you drawn in the sand? consider that giants looking down on the ground and drawing in the rock with their large tools- Pyramids in Kemet (land of the invented name, Egypt), her you have where a human child building blocks with their little hands on top of each other, consider giants did the same, oh! this is light, shall I put it on top (bit of humour) Maoi statues Easter island, they were all looking to the east (the compass direction at their time) and as you seen mud and trees over time how they became fossilized, well the Living Beings standing there covered in ash, similar to Lots wife turning around and became a pillar of salt, froze in time Machu Picchu in Peru, consider if the flood came and they were on a boat escaping such and the waters started to subside and an island appeared they built a civilisation in an area not knowing they were high in the mountains until the waters subsided more and slowly they travelled down to below sea level and continued their civilisation, what civilisation is around that area that have the same characteristics of their generation that came down in Peru?

  2. Muchu Pichu, is faeasable, and most of the others, but one the world's biggest mysteries is Baalbeck in the Beqaa Valey in Lebanon,,, Three stones, each weighing over 1000 metric tons, are lifted and placed in a wall at the height of over 30 feet,,,, The three stones together have a length of 60 meters, and sitting on five stones of the same length,,, This is an enigma and a wonder,,,

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