
Robots will Soon Replace Athletes! – Robot Beating Humans in Sports

Scientists are creating Robots with the ability to beat and soon replace Human Athlete Teams in any sport imaginable. This has been demonstrated in the current Tokyo Olympics 2021, where they showed a robot playing Basketball perfectly without any mistakes. Better than any human ever could.

Whether it’s Basketball, Baseball, soccer or football, these advanced robot athletes are going to be released upon the world of sports very soon and it won’t be long until Robots are starting to beat professional human teams with their advanced deep learning artificial intelligence that can calculate very far throws and kicks with ease.
Every day is a day closer to the Technological Singularity. Experience Robots learning to walk & think, humans flying to Mars and us finally merging with technology itself. And as all of that happens, we at AI News cover the absolute cutting edge best technology inventions of Humanity.

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00:00 What has been accomplished
00:56 The History of robotics in Sports
03:26 A new kind of Robot Athlete
04:41 Robots replacing real Athletes
07:31 Last Words
#robots #olympics #robotics


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