
30 Indisputable Alien and UFO SIGHTINGS Caught on Camera |

Are you ready to dive into the unknown? 2024: The Year of UFO Contact? unfolds an extraordinary journey through a year filled with compelling UFO sightings and alien encounters. From the iconic Phoenix Lights to mysterious metallic spheres seen across the globe, this video explores the most…


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  1. I am 66 years old now. I have been encountering the alien experience since I was three years old. I have not lived a normal human life ever since. I am just now beginning to feel the need to talk to someone about it. Just recently I encountered three reptilian aliens in my bedroom window that I recorded and posted on YouTube but NSA and YouTube decided to edit it and then take it off the site. Ever since I did that I have been followed every day they will not cease to be everywhere I go and if they don't see me for 3 days they will ride back and forth in front of my house and call my name. When I lived in Marysville California I encountered their whole world there they live there they work there they have more jobs than we have their my garage was made into an alien theater where they would watch everything that I do I can see them they are everywhere especially in our trees

  2. I’ve seen slit of ufos since I was a kid, the closest one I’ve had it was saucer shape and 60ft above a building in uk, and it’s close to where I live 8yrs ago it happened.

  3. The 3 white 3 red lights on a triangle shaped mother ship stop above me about 100feet in the hood it was there for about one minute then my friend started freaking out then it disappeared in the night at about 10 pm was awesome for me my friend had a different experience

  4. This is my story, i need help, i have a huge problem i cannot stop wacking off, i do it everyday im getting tire of this i suffer alot from this i wack off 8 times up to 10 times a day, i cant seem to stop please help me😢😢

  5. and yet… millions have full disclosure.. billy meier.. see site, has had over 800 recorded face to face chats with human ets since 1943. They get here instantly over 400 light year space, are 3500 years ahead of us, live to 1000, bm has over 1000 close up fotos, cine, metal fragments, sound recordings. They claim over 30 diff et races visit here annually and that mankind in this sector of our Uni had a Prophet Nokodemius recorded 12 billion years ago

  6. I live out on L.I. About 10 years ago I observed a tic-tac shaped object hovering very slow. At first, I thought it was a high flying aircraft but as it passed in front of some clouds I realized it was a lot smaller and slower than I thought. It emitted some sort of orange and blue electrical discharge. It zig-zaged a few times, stopped for about 5 seconds then shot straight up real quick and disappeared.

  7. I have seen ufos since 1977. In Illinois next to our farm house. It was disc shaped. It stayed there awhile, hovering over our yard. Then I moved to Louisiana. I've seen several ufos. Most disced shaped, then one a boomerang. It was cloaking, I saw it 2 nights in a row, cloaking off and on, it was huge. I also have seen ghosts since childhood. And I've seen 3 cryptic. 2 in water, one in my room. I'm a retired nurse, I'm a credible person. This is the first time I've heard of a boomerang shape. It's credible to what I've seen. I've seen them in different places in Louisiana. It seems to be a hotbed of activity.

  8. Myself, Husband, and our youngest Son saw a UFO some years back. We were driving down a Mountain Road and saw the UFO hanging at the top of the a Mountain to the front of us. We stopped our Car and watched it for several minutes, or at least we thought we saw it for several minutes. It was a few minutes later we were back at the top of the Hill we had started driving down before we saw it. We saw the UFO as did many other people in that area, we were not seeing things. We still can’t understand why we were back at the top of the Hill when we had already gone halfway down before we saw the UFO. Everyone might think we were crazy but fortunately as I said there were many others who saw the UFO. My Husband had been in the Navy Air for many years and knew what almost every Jet or Aircraft looked like, believe me this was not a known Aircraft. As I said many others saw it as well and they described exactly where saw. To this day I think of it and try to understand what it was and how we ended up back at the top of the Hill we were already going down…

  9. Oh yes ,i see,
    It's getting that time of the year, Halloween
    Ghost and gobblens,
    I'm scared , just thinking about it,
    Are they hiding in the closet, maybe under the bed, oh maybe
    The attic, don't know about you but I'm sleeping with the lights on,,,,

  10. The accelerating activities with UFOs since the Roswell crash in 1947 are caused by the first detonation of a Nuclear bomb. They are either concerned that we are going to wipe ourselves out or have other interests. In my humble opinion, there are several different alien species some good and some bad, unfortunately.

    All the world governments know exactly what is going on but will never release any true information endless they have to.

  11. The NIMITZ UFO ? Was actually…15 UFO'S. That 1(tic tac)? Was the one left behind to stay next to the Nimitz.
    The Nimitz was to neet up SECRETLY with other navy ships.
    At a secret area. When the Nimitz got to the other ships ? All 15 UFO'S were already there. At the SECRET meeting spot.😱

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