
25 Incredible Discoveries That Science Can’t Explain

In a world driven by data, algorithms, and relentless scientific progress, you’d think we’d have all the answers by now. But every so often, the universe throws us a curveball – something so bizarre, so unexplainable, that even the brightest minds in science are left confused! Here are 25 Incredible Discoveries That Science Can’t Explain.

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From spontaneous human combustion and the reason cows always face a certain way when they eat to the inexplicable goop on the new island near Tonga, here are 25 Incredible Discoveries That Science Can’t Explain.

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Author: Hestie Bernard
Music: Dessert planet – Quincas Moreira

0:00 – Intro
0:29 – Where Did The Ancient Egyptians Get Their Cocaine?
1:22 – We Keep Finding Weird Alien-Like Ancient Creatures
2:06 – The Rate Of Expansion Of The Universe Just Doesn’t Make Sense
3:05 – Spontaneous Human Combustion
4:00 – The Mystery of Humpback Whales’ Super-Groups
4:30 – Why Do Cats Purr?
5:00 – The 500-Million-Year-Old Mystery of Nature’s Tapestry
6:00 – Why Do Cows Always Face North Or South While Eating?
6:36 – How Did Argentine Ants Sustain A Colony Across Continents?
7:23 – The Secrets of the Betz Sphere
8:09 – Who Did The Denisovans Breed With?
8:40 – The Folkton Drums’ Mysterious Link To Stonehenge
9:26 – How Do Some Animals Live Without Oxygen?
10:03 – What is Making the Arctic Craters?
10:49 – What Happened To Venus?
11:47 – Have We Finally Unraveled The Mystery Behind Earthquake Lights?
12:24 – The Inexplicable Goop on the New Island Near Tonga
13:06 – Why Did The Earth Go Silent?
13:58 – The Mayotte Mystery
14:39 – How Did an Ancient Bronze Artifact End Up in Alaska?
15:29 – The Flashing Light In Deep Space
16:25 – Why Are Tomatoes More Complex Than Humans?
17:25 – The Particles That Are Shattering Physics
18:15 – Why Are Giraffes Getting Skin Disease?
18:59 – The Blobs Deep Inside The Earth

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  1. Cows face north or south in the upper northern hemisphere and lower southern hemisphere because of the sun. At the equator, the sun doesn't have extreme solstice. That's why cows there don't always need to broadside the sun.

  2. Regarding the ancient bronze artifact found in Alaska, I think it comes down to the old colonial mindset and habit of underestimating the Indigenous peoples of North America. While the bronze may not have been produced in North America, they may have traded for it. There is evidence that Indigenous peoples in the Pacific Northwest had contact with people from across the Bering Straight. For example, the Yupik people have communities in Yukon, Alaska, and Kamchatka. Their oral history indicates that they were aware of each other. The problem is that because of colonialism, a lot of oral history was lost.

    There is also the Salish Wool Dog that was commonly found at one time on the Pacific Northwest coast. The dog is now extinct, but genetic samples still exist and it was found to be closely related to dog breeds from Japan. It isn't out of the question that trade, albeit infrequent, existed between ancient North Americans and people from Northeast Asia before colonialism.

    My bet is that the bronze buckle belonged to a trader or adventurer, or was perhaps an item being traded. Or possibly even from a shipwreck as the Pacific Northwest coast does get a lot of ocean debris from Asia washing up on the shore.

  3. These always are interesting but you (people in general) lose me when I start hearing about how the Earth was 2.3 billion years ago and this happened then and this happened just…. no.. I'm not a Bible thumper but I am also not an idiot. Scientists just make this crap up. "Oh but carbon dating….." yea ok..

  4. In 100 years, the things we think we’ve discovered, or the things we puzzle over, or possibly even the discoveries we’ve made (facts), will seem as backward and primitive as those of 150 years ago seem to us!

  5. The first one is easy to explain…the artifact in question was definitely pre-1906, before Coca-Cola had to change their formula; in that that either the raw, premixed ingredients were shipped from Georga to Egypt, or the Egyptians simply purchased cases of Coke, distilled it, and the rest is history. As for the willow bark extract, I don't know. OR there really was a trade route between Egypt and Columbia, which has been speculated. Ok, there were rumors of there being a trade route between Spain and Brazil, and Spain and Columbia/Argentina.

    As for the willow tree, it was present in North Africa 1200 BC (and earlier)

  6. i love how the world thinks that humans from long ago didnt travel, and move, and go to other places, just cause we dont have proof today, dont mean that people didnt travel, for thousands and thousands of years, people have traveled for joy, adventure, to explore, heck just to see whats over that hill, you believe hat humans didnt maybe travel, enjoy it and not go back home to tell others, or cause they couldnt.

  7. Purring feels really good. I really believe that's why cats do it. It's soothing.
    Think about The nature of cats… They are the most selfish animal on the planet. Of course they will be doing something soothing… Just saying

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