
14,000 Years Old Bread Discovered #shorts

14000 Years Old Bread Discovered
Ancient bread discovery
Natufian hunter gatherers
Prehistoric bread making
Black Desert of Jordan
Bread before agriculture
Archaeology of food
Wild cereals and tubers
Oldest bread in history
Natufian culture

Imagine you are a hunter-gatherer living in the Black Desert of Jordan 14,400 years ago. You are hungry and looking for something to eat. You decide to make some bread from wild cereals and tubers that you have collected. You grind them, sieve them, knead them, and bake them on a stone fireplace. You have just created the oldest known piece of bread in history! This is not a fantasy, but a real discovery made by archaeologists in 2018. They found the charred remains of a flatbread that predates agriculture by at least 4,000 years. This means that bread-making was not a result of farming, but may have actually inspired people to cultivate grains and settle down. The ancient bread looked like a pita, but was made from oats and cereals similar to barley. It also contained tubers from an aquatic plant, which gave it a gritty and salty taste. The process of making this bread was very laborious and time-consuming, which suggests that it was a special food for the Natufian hunter-gatherers. Bread has been called “the essential food for most people for most of recorded history”, and now we know that it has a much longer history than we thought.. #oldestbread #beforeharvesting #firsthuman


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