
🚨PROOF OF THE BIBLE: Science discoveries🤯 #god #jesus #bible #facts #christian #shorts #fyp


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  1. "…something they call the God Particle…"

    Why do they call it that? Wanna know? It's because the original name for it was 'the Goddamn Paritcle' because it was so hard to find, but people in media didn't want swearing in their science, so they changed it to 'God particle'. What is its actual name? The Higgs Boson.

    "…behaves exactly like sound waves…"

    No, it doesn't. Not even close. Sound waves operate by moving a medium back and forth in pulses. While there are waves in the Higgs Boson, because there are waves in basically everything once you get down to fundamental particles, it isn't caused by oscillating other matter the way sound does.

    So, yeah, your misunderstanding of science isn't a proof of anything except that you misunderstand science.

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