

🎼 | help me.:
🖤 Immerse yourself in the haunting beauty of dark ambient music. Our channel offers a diverse selection of atmospheric compositions that blend dark and ambient elements. Allow…


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  1. Everyone’s sharing their own stories, and I did too in the comments of one of those videos. But I had a thought… The person behind these posts literally named himself 'Help me.' I get that it might not mean much and he ore she could be fine, but isn’t it like a cry for help? Hey, if you see this comment, either let me know you’re okay or tell me what’s up. I’ve been tuning into your playlists from France to ease my anxiety, sleep, and figure out my future. Thanks to you and the music that plays while I snore like a drunk guy stumbling out of a bar at 3 a.m., I’ve been avoiding nightmares for months. I really appreciate it and i can go to my work without being fking bored or… bruh i don't know how to say this because it's 06;45 am in my country… OH I FOUND IT it's mf tired haha. WTV…… If you need some support, tons of people are following you, so please speak up! I'm not a good english speaker but i 'm at least a good (just) shoulder to speak about all you want. It's not just for that guy/women. It's for all of you, If you need someone to talk to, just reach out and I’ll respond. We all have problems, and if humanity has survived all these years, it’s because we share some empathy

  2. I Just wanna be in that room once, listening to this music an the rain without Feeling responsible for anything. Just laying there, knowing Ure free in Ur mind and Ur Soul, with no Need to worry about anything. I wished i could Rest in this bedroom and Take a Break from all negative things in this world. And for this Imagination to be perfect, let my Loving girlfriend be there too, and let us have a wonderful time. That is my Wish, and i know there are many people Out there who read this comment and think ,, exactly what i Wish for".

  3. Life is so hard guys, i will be moving to a new country with my girlfriend and we are planning a wedding. My mother show her support but deep down i feel like she doesnt want me to leave. I love my mother with all my heart but lately shes been depress cause shes at a very difficult times in her life and im the only one that she could connect, shes start to leak out negative emotion and doesnt want to communicate. Im so lost right now and dont know what to do. Im afraid things will take turn for the worst its suffocating. Life is hard.
    Hope things will get better tomorrow

  4. Remember the world will have challenges for us all to face and overcome and it feels like you have no hope but don’t forget that you will always and I mean always have a purpose to live and keep going and maybe that purpose is YouTube or a construction worker but all I’m trying to say is always leave a little room for motivation

  5. Just got past what might be my worst month ever. I was lazy, unproductive and distracted. I was distant from my friends. Deep regret hit me because it was such an important month too.

    But I'm starting to improve, slowly but surely. I love my friends, they're very accepting, comforting and kindhearted. They help me feel better a lot of times. I hate myself for how much I isolated myself from them, even though I know talking to them would really help. From now on, I'll try to get back in the spirit. I really wish I could just hug them right now.

    Just wanted to share what's on my mind, have a good day/night.

  6. Right now it is currently 12:29AM and i am lying in bed listening to this music. This music helps me handle my emotions and helps me try to not hurt myself or if im currently hurting myself it helps me to stop. I still feel like shit but im healing. Slowly. And i hope others can find the same peace that i do in this kind of music.

    Update: im not healing. Im getting worse. This music just helps to stall my inevitable suicide. Love you all and who knows if by the time you see this if i an dead or not. Have good lives. Ones that are better than mine ❤️❤️

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