The Komodo Dragon | Educational Video for Kids.

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What are you waiting for? Hello friends and welcome to a new Happy learning
video. Today we are going to learn about the largest lizard
in the world…the Komodo dragon.

Komodo dragons were discovered in 1910 on some
remote Indonesian islands, and although they don’t
breathe fire or fly, they are indeed very dangerous

These large reptiles, like all other reptiles, are born from
eggs, like these tiny crocodiles.

The komodo dragon’s bodies are covered by hard thick
scales which protect them from all sorts of dangers.

When they are adults they can grow up to 3 meters in
length and weigh more than 90 kilos. They are
carnivorous and their jaws are wide, strong and extremely
powerful. They have close to 60 razor sharp teeth which
they use to tear apart their victim’s flesh. Their saliva is
very infectious, almost even venomous. When they bite
their prey, the wound rapidly becomes infected and kills

They can eat up to 80% of their own weight in a single
meal. They are quite the guzzlers!

After eating so much they must rest awhile, like this one
who is taking a nice long nap.

They tend to eat carrion, but they are also great hunters,
capable of detecting their prey at a distance of 10 km
away, thanks to their long forked tongue.

Even though they don’t look like it, they are fantastic
athletes, they climb trees, are excellent swimmers and
can run at a speed of 29km per hour…if you don’t believe
me, ask these poor deer which had a very near miss…

These large lizards can live to 50 years old, but the truth is
they don’t tend to live so long; every day there are less
and less of them, everyday they have less space to live in,
and many are hunted illegally to be sold on the black
market or kept for their skin. At the moment there are
only approximately four thousand komodo lizards in the
world, without a doubt they are in great danger of being

So on behalf of Happy Learning, as always, we ask you to
look after nature and all its living things…all animals, no
matter how terrifying they may seem, are extremely
important for our planet’s environmental balance. So now
you know, take care of it and respect it.

Goodbye Friends and don’t forget to subscribe to Happy
Learning TV.


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