Register to our upcoming webinar “Increase biological relevance & simplify your discovery workflow”

IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT. This is your LAST OPPORTUNITY to sign up for our live webinar tomorrow entitled “Increase biological relevance and simplify your discovery workflow” #gethighersignificancefaster

Register online here:

In this webinar, Dr. Emma Gibbin-Lameira, Communications Specialist at Nanolive, will show you how easy it is to acquire and analyze label-free, high-content data with Nanolive’s platform.
Specifically, the webinar will include:

A step-by-step guide to setting-up an experiment and acquiring images with Nanolive’s automated microscope the CX-A, and creating publication-ready data and images using Nanolive’s new quantification solution, EVE Analytics

A case study showing how different stress stimuli (cytotoxicity vs. phototoxicity) invoke different types of cell death

An in-depth discussion of how cell metrics can be used to quantify different types of cell death

Join us to find out what a typical user experience looks like using Nanolive technology!


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