Broadening the definition of a nervous system | Plant Consciousness Commentary

In this Commentary session, I dive into this fascinating paper by Miguel-Tomé and Llinás, where they propose expanding our definition of the nervous system to include plants.

You know how much arguing there has been at even the hint of recognizing plants as having a nervous system, even though researching continues to show this. By broadening this definition, these scientists open themselves up to a more inclusive and evolved understanding of how multicellular beings—both plants and animals—transmit, process, and adapt to their environments.

This redefinition breaks down the outdated notion that plants are somehow inferior to animals due to the absence of a “traditional” nervous system. Instead, it invites us to see the complex, adaptive beings plants are with their own unique signaling mechanisms. This shift in perspective, I hope, will help show even more clearly the intelligence of plants and how evolution has shaped their responses to their surroundings, without starting from a place of human superiority.

This discussion is more than just academic—it’s a reminder that adaptation and awareness go far beyond our human-centered viewpoints. Plants can teach us about resilience and flow, showing us new ways to navigate and evolve in our own lives.

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Miguel-Tomé, S., & Llinás, R. R. (2021). Broadening the definition of a nervous system to better understand the evolution of plants and animals. Plant signaling & behavior, 16(10), 1927562.

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