6-Hour The Charismatic Voice Livestream Event – Harsh Vocal Research Kickstarter Launch!

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Having Will Ramos of Lorna Shore come out to Salt Lake City at the University of Utah Health for a bunch of research procedures on vocal distortion and harsh vocalizations has been instrumental in uncovering what exactly is happening in your vocal tract. But that’s not enough. We need more data, and more artists – so we’re going to be kicking off a crowdfunding effort to make that happen.

We have some artists lined up, we have a Kickstarter we’re putting together, and we’ve started a 501(c)3 – a charitable foundation for vocal research.

Join me on Tuesday, September 3rd for a 6 hour live stream event with me, Dr. Amanda Stark and one of the vocalists selected for this project. There will be games, expositions, tons of prizes all in hopes that we can help fund this Kickstarter as much as possible!


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